Wednesday, 25 February 2015


You know that thing us humans do, when we somehow, as a Collective, pick up on and "know" certain things? Like, for example, the way that certain sayings have come about, which speak of deep Truths, i.e.: "red with anger", which is about the very true fact that our Aura turns redder the angrier we get. A similar thing is the fact that in virtually EVERY language known to us, there are identical phrases for the same stuff. Speaking both perfect English and Greek and having lived in both Greece and Australia, I can confirm this first hand. It's an extremely fascinating thing to observe, especially when you realize it even happens in 2 cultures that have had NO historical connection: so there is NO way that a particular phrase could've been somehow 'borrowed' from the earlier culture. And the reason is that these things come from WITHIN, not from without. They are innate. But this is not the point of this post. I am going somewhere else with this entirely...

And that is Father George "fucking (little children)" Bush! I have noticed a MOST peculiar phenomenon where this man (??) is concerned: it looks to me that, while there is an ever-changing array of characters on the "NWO Bad Guys of the Month" list, which is a lot like IMDB's 'Best Movies Ever' list lol, the ONE constant on this list seems to be Father Bush. There's a million different alternative Researchers out there and they blame everybody from The Red Shield to Santa Claus for all the ills of the world...but the ONE constant throughout all of this is George Herbert Walker Bush! Look into this, you will find the same pattern that I did. It's truly astounding! 

It seems to be a case of the Collective Consciousness "knowing" who the 'real life Darth Sidious' is. We just do. And the Alternative Researchers seem to be even MORE in tune with their Intuition, so, with them, this 'knowing' comes out even stronger. Everybody from Thomas Sheridan, to David Icke, to Stewart Swerdlow keep mentioning this guy again and gain and AGAIN! The mind boggles. This guy is (or at least was, since he's too old now to be physically active in his evil ways) literally almost like some comic book super-villain. No kidding! Wherever there is high level, Dark Cabal evilery going on, this guy is sure to be there! Especially if there's child fucking/killing. Oh, Father Bush can't get ENOUGH of that!

The accusations are endless! Rothschild and the Jesuits would be green with envy!

1) First there are the strong Nazi ties, which every man and his dog knows about (or should anyway)

2) Then we have Skull & Bones. No explanation necessary there

3) The never-ending child abuse/ritual killing accusations

4) The heavy MK Ultra involvement (see Cathy O' Brien's story for more on this)

5) The cocaine trafficking

6) He was head of CIA for a time, which, tied in with the rest of this Top Ten list, makes the CIA look like it's not at ALL on our side

7) He was VICE President when there was an assassination attempt on Reagan in the early 80ies. There was an article I read that had DAMNING evidence and connections directly tying BUSH to it! See, the way it works is like this: there is a neat little loophole in American politics, where, if a President dies while still in office, his Vice President is immediately appointed President on the spot. No elections, nothing! So the fucker was scheming, even from back then, to get the Top Job. It was an all out coup attempt

8) When he finally DID get the Top Job, he, of course, blatantly announced the "New World Order" (as did the 'fictional' Emperor Palpatine announce his own New Order right after killing and lying his way into the Emperor's chair. This is in the so-called 'fictional' Star Wars film, "Revenge of the Sith", for those who don't already know) 

9) And, speaking of trying to kill Reagan so he can replace him, there are some convincing theories that say he may have been directly involved in the Kennedy assassination, believe it or not!! Thought this is one that I have my doubts about personally. Then again, you never know with this career asshole...

10) He went in, with Desert Storm, and tried to take out one of the last remaining Sovereign nations that didn't have a Red Shield Bank controlling it. I cannot confirm this one, but some even say that these types of evil dynasties have an extreme interest in those Middle Eastern regions because there a certain powerful artifacts, or even portals. If we want to get very X-Files about it all, there may even Stargates in the Iraq region that have to do with the mysterious ancestors of these scumbags. Who knows, but the point is they DID take down Saddam mostly because he was sovereign and not at ALL for the supposed 'reasons' they give us on the Brainwashing Box. Oh, I'm sorry, did I call television "the brainwashing box"? Oh my, I guess I did, didn't I?

And the list could go on forever with this inhuman, vampire, TRASH!! I could talk about Stewart Swerdlow's claims of remembering him being at Montauk during the MK Ultra programming sessions, or about his involvement in the White House paedophile scandal that was later covered up by killing about a dozen witnesses and on and on. I'd be writing for hours and would have to look up dozens of links to provide you with! 

And, now, they are trying to put a THIRD Bush into the White House?? And what's the alternative to Jeb Bush? Hillary Clinton. Well, that's just fucking great! You've got to be kidding me! When will this ever end?!! Are we going to be controlled by the same murderous clans for another 1,000 years before we finally wake up??!

Icke puts it in his own, inimitable way here: 

Friday, 20 February 2015


I know this one has been done to death, but, hell, I am just expressing myself here I guess. It's about Jesus "the man" vs. Jesusianity. Or call it Christianity, if you really must, but, in truth, it's factually 'Jesusianity': they actually made a Yogi Master that lived 2,000 years ago into a deity. It's ridiculous!

And, btw, I don't wanna hear the arguments that Jesus didn't even exist. The point, however, is they took someone that was, very likely, an ancient version of, let's say, Paramahansa Yogananda (who had DOCUMENTED Yogi powers) and made him the Emperor of the Universe. This is Mind Control for the masses, pure and simple. Or call it 'opium for the masses', as per the famous quote about religion. I cant recall by whom it was said now.

You can see the truth of this when you do 'surveys', so to speak: when you observe educated people vs. uneducated people, you'll see the marked difference. Not that I'm an advocate of typical "education" (indoctrination into bullshit beliefs, more like it), but, as a person's education level rises, you witness that, at the same time, Organized Religion proportionally loses its hold on them! This is very easy to see, even by doing a google search on the statistics. So the stats are already out there in the open regarding all of this; I'm not just making it up obviously.

But, then, you ask yourself: "Why on earth do 'uneducated' people not see this?" Well, I guess that, even if they are TOLD about these 'stats' and even shown all the numbers and quotes from famous people about religion being a Mind Prison etc, etc, it doesn't mean it will necessarily sink in. Obviously, in an ironic way, people like this are the very proof that the stats are legit. You see, "education", while another mind trap in its own right, at least works on building up Reason, which is something Organized Religion is TERRIFIED of! (unless it is Buddhism that is) While modern education fails in the fact that it is stuck on Reason at the expense of the extremely important Intuition, it is still far better than being stuck in a religious mindset. Granted, you could call it "scientism" and it is an "ism", because, often times, these 'Magicians in white coats' seem to just arbitrarily make shit up out of thin air. Sometimes in a worse way than is done by religion! At least religion, at its basics, is supposed to be the 'study and explanation of the Laws of Creation', if we wanted a sleek "modern" definition.

This joke that we call "science" today, however,'s simply a joke and that's that. I'll let the reader look into that for themselves if they're wondering what the hell I just meant by it. Nevertheless, it at least works on building up the Intellect, or Left Brain, which is far better than the total, 100% blind belief that Organized Religion expects of its adherents.

I mean, here is the thing: while I consistently slam religion online, at the same time, I do know and realize there is a Spiritual Reality out there and that things like miracle healings and so forth are very real indeed. Long after I broke away from Christianity and had made it a rule to not hang out with religious people (this is like 10 years ago and more now), I seemed to 'accidentally' attract people to me that, on the surface, seemed like a retrograde step. So, I resisted it, but since I was involved with these people mainly thru things like musical bands, etc., I (just barely) tolerated the differences. The strange thing, however, was that I bumped into 2 or 3 of these types in the last decade that claimed to have had or witnessed 'faith healings' –you know the type: the Born Again kind of thing.

Well, let me tell you that I believe them, because you can’t have different, completely unconnected people telling you the same exact story. It just doesn't happen. These so-called healings do happen in the world, and they happen often. And I am sure every religion has had these types of things go on. The point I am driving at is this: the CHRIST is real and should be taken much more seriously. Our focus should be turned within...not without, to some external idol! Even to those that take the Bible as the literal Word of God (big parts of it are holy, yes; as are the writings found in all of the major holy books. But there are also many lies, omissions, etc.), your Bible itself tells you not to worship idols, but the True God. 

So what we are seeing with religion today is absolutely appalling: people putting their power and attention into an external deity and completely giving their Sovereignty and Free Will away! This is what it's all about: the Elites that control Organized Religion, the ones that are above and beyond the level of mere Intellect (which THEIR Education System tries to keep the world trapped in!), those who understand the secrets of the Mind and Universe...well, they don't want us to know, you see! So that's the whole point of Organized Religion and, to a lesser extent, Education and the Mass Media. They are there for one thing and ONE thing alone: to keep you in a state of reduced understanding, awareness and Vibrational Frequency. 

Fear and Apathy are the emotional states in which it is easiest to control someone. When the population is in a constant fear-based mentality, then we are SLAVES to our Hidden Masters! Masters that have not only risen above the level of emotional blind belief required by Organized Religion, but also above the Intellect worshipped at the Altar of Scientism! These people are Magicians of the highest order. And, just to demystify that term a little bit now: there is really no such thing as "magick" really; there are 2 things and 2 things alone: 

1) Knowledge and 


Arthur C. Clarke said it best, so I have nothing more to add to his brilliant quote: "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magick". That has to be my favorite quote of all time and I actually mean it! Because Clarke, here, touched on the incredible truth that there IS no real distinction between "materialistic", 3D based science and "spiritual science". All of it, ALL of it, is merely a "body of knowledge" and nothing more. One (this utter joke we call "science" today) is simply far narrower in its view or Reality. That's all. Basically, that which we call "magick" or the "occult" could be simply defined, in layman's terms, as "the stuff about the Mind, Life and the Universe they won't tell us about".

That's all it is, that's all it ever was. I repeat: the stuff they don't tell us about! That's what the "occult" is. Many of you that read my stuff already know the word "occult" simply means "hidden, secret", so even the word itself tells us what it really is. So the whole point of the creation of institutions like Organized Religion, Education and Mass Media is to use them as vehicles by which they can give the masses the "reduced version" of the 'stuff about the Mind, Life and the Universe' that these guys know and hoard for themselves. Why do they "hoard" it, you ask? Well, knowledge is power, of course, and these guys have all the Advanced Knowledge. That's their whole game: to rule others by way of knowing more than them! It is how they rule the world. 

If you know how the Mind really works and you're on a planet of billions that don't, then what's gonna happen, you think? So these guys have now created a massive divide between their level of power and that of the masses: it seems like the big players at the top of the pyramid are reducing in number, while the masses are becoming poorer, weaker and dumber! If we let this go on unchecked, the entire planet will eventually be taken over by ONE man that will control everything! There are actually many converging religious prophecies about a figure like that possibly emerging at some point, which, amazingly enough, are remarkably consistent with each other.

This is not fear-mongering, it is cold, hard reality! If I was a fear monger, I'd be yelling about vaccines, chemtrails, GMOs. etc. Don't get me wrong: these things are important issues to look into (particularly the GMOs), but getting all caught up in it and fearful about it does not really help us get out of the current shit we are in! Sorry to say that. You see, the most important thing humans on this planet need to do now is not to focus on the PHYSICAL, 3D aspect of the Grand Conspiracy, but instead:

1) To get Spiritual Knowledge thru study and ideally, also through

2) Direct personal gnosis of the Divine, which is, of course, the ultimate and is a very rare thing 

In a word where the 95% is kept in a perpetual state of ignorance about The Law (i.e.: Universal Law/Natural Law) out of the 5 - 10% that's left to take up No. 1 or 2 above, there is quite a small success rate of people reaching true illumination through Gnosis. It must be something like one in a 100,000 or million. No exaggeration there! Obviously the Dark Luciferians have played their cards well: they have almost all angles covered but this: FREE WILL.

No one, NO ONE, can control your Free Will if you don't let them do so. Never forget that! 

If we're to ever get out of this mess, we must slowly bring up people through the Intellectual development stage (true intellectual development, not the garbage kids are taught in "school") and, then, eventually, to the point of reaching Gnosis. However, the road is long because we are up against a supremely well organized campaign that has been running for 1,000s of years now, but we have just gotten wind of it! So, in a way, you could say it's a bit late. It is understandable that many of my brothers and sisters around the world that are on a similar wavelength may sometimes lose hope and get depressed, when facing the mammoth task we're up against. I've been there myself many times, though I've overcome much of the Apathy tendencies that come with it and converted it into Action. But this is not an easy thing to do and, especially for the "unwashed masses", if you want to call them that (I usually call them Sleepers lately), it is near impossible!! Hence they revert to the "lesser" solutions of falling into some sort of drug habit, or any other kind of habit that will get them though the night: watching television, being overly obsessed with "family" or "career" is also one of these 'drug habits'. To quote the 'great Morpheus': "they are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system". Indeed, inert. 

They should invent a new word for apathy, so we can more properly describe a lot of these people. But, incredibly, THESE are the people we are trying to get (nay, to force) to put on the proverbial "glasses from the film, They Live". This may not be a top priority at the moment (since the Red Pillers need to stick together and avoid the Blue Pills for another couple decades), of course, but eventually, before you know it, our "work" will involve talking to the masses at large. It won't just be 'pockets of Awesomeness', scattered here and there around the planet and delightfully re-connecting thru Facebook. One day this will get real! The Dark Elites may be trying to stop us at every turn but, you just wait and see: their pitiful, last ditch efforts to hold onto their OWO (Old World Order) power-structure will come crumbling down like the SAND castle it truly is!! 

Of course, this will take some time. If you're already pretty disappointed/depressed about this planet's current state, please don't get even more upset now, but I am obliged to inform you that: yes, we may have to reincarnate here for another round just to do the "final clean-up", if you will. To put it simpler: the Dark Cabal's "sand castle" may take 100 years or more to completely fall. This is not a job that can be done over a weekend. But it will be done. By hook or by crook, it will be done! The only question now is: are we going to be ahead or behind schedule? That is the question. The only real way we can be ahead of schedule, is if every single one of us (all the people that are interested in reading a post like this, and similar ones, for example) STEPS UP! And, when I mean step up, I mean take ACTION! 

Even though you may think you don't, the fact is that every single person in the Alternative scene has something unique to offer this broken world. Whether you are a healer, a teacher, a dot-connector, someone who has a knack for bringing people together, an artist, or whatever the case may be, know this: that unique skill set you have is not just for you. It's there to be shared, and to be shared as widely as possible! In days gone by, the doors were closed to all but a tiny few that had connections in Hollywood, in television, in publishing, etc. But now there really IS no excuse to not put yourself out there in front of a worldwide audience, aside from the cheap excuses you come up with yourself to get out of taking Action. Way I see it, every single person that is past the 'beginner stage' on their Journey out of the Matrix, should start something like a YouTube channel, a blog, a website, a FB group. Anything, whatever it takes! Write a book for Christ's sake, but whatever it is, you first need to make absolutely sure it's what you were born to do and not just something you're doing half-heartedly. Even if you're not "perfect" at it yet, it's better to just start as early as possible. 99.99% of people in this scene will not criticize you for not making the perfect video or for having a few typos in your article, as long as your message is legit and coming from the heart. (An Important Note here: I'm not just "saying" this: I have lived it with my own YouTube channel, which, at the time of this writing, is 5 years old and has only just gotten a 'professionalized makeover' about 6 months ago. But my info was original and from the heart and, more often than not, the viewers loved me for it. I was actually very surprised as to how supportive most of them were, even from day one back in early 2010, when my videos, production-wise, were extremely amateurish!). And if they do, then they're just assholes. But, remember, for every troll there's another 50 awesome people out there! So don't let "criticism" stop you. I put it in " " because it's not really criticism: if a person feels like they need to tear down someone that is putting time/energy into something that is aimed at helping the Greater Good, then they are part of the problem. So, if fear of criticism is the main issue stopping you, take it from me: 50 awesome people to every troll! 

If we all do this, then, in 5 - 10 years, there will be SO many different voices, all of them contributing in the most potent way towards the Greater Good. If something like this reaches critical mass, then it will be all down hill after a certain point and this silly little "cabal" we all speak of will just be like a bad dream. If all of us REALLY took to Action on such a scale, then they wouldn't know what to do. I mean, already, you can see signs of this happening: a while back, Zbignew Brzezinski had made an official statement at some conference, saying words to the effect of "the Internet has changed the way we used control and monitor the masses and now we feel pretty helpless actually". As you can see if you click the link above and watch the vid in question, he didn't really use those words, but that's what he was actually saying. So, from this, we can clearly see that "they" are already worried about this so-called Mass Awakening, even if, at the moment, not even half of the people that could potentially be out there helping our cause are actively engaged. Imagine if they did step up and do their thing! The Cabal would be finished!

What would they do...? Kill us all? At ONCE?! All 7 billion and counting? just doesn't work that way, I'm afraid. While they do have their a) Slow Kill Methods (GMOs, vaccines, fluoride, chemtrails maybe, though I'm not sure if these are actually "killing" us directly or are for some other purpose we haven't worked out yet) and b) large scale wars, other than that, they have no other way to get rid of large numbers of populations. The only thing they can do is start WW 3, which is something they have been consistently pushing for, for quite a few years now actually. So, if we want to be really fearful about it all, I guess we could say it's a sort of race between a nuclear holocaust and achieving that all-important critical mass. And maybe, just maybe, if we actually had first hand, insider knowledge, by being at the actual secret meetings of the Bilderbergers, and all the related bodies, we might discover that the situation really IS that bad. Who knows...I, and others doing a similar thing to me, can only go by what we learn through both research and Intuition. 

In my case, the research paints a very grim picture, even going so far as suggesting that we will NEVER get out of this. Intuition, however, says otherwise: that's where all the positive, empowering stuff I write always comes from. This, of course, is WHY the entire Mind Control System is designed to attack Intuition the most. Because that is where the true power and happiness and wisdom comes from. The Intellect is rather limited actually; it can only take one so far. But, combined with the Intuition, however, it makes a person unbeatable! See, the Warrior Mystic, the person that has developed the Intellect and Intuition to an almost equal degree, is the type of person the members of the Dark Cabal fear the most! And their ENTIRE System is designed around this one thing: 


And what is the biggest weapon the Black Magicians use against us to accomplish the above? Organized Religion!

W-A-K-E U-P from your slumber!! 

And, if you haven't done so already, you need to watch They Live and The Matrix, both of them documentaries in disguise.

Saturday, 14 February 2015


Admittedly, while, after breaking away from the (Greek Orthodox) Christian Mind Matrix at about 20 -21 yo, or somewhere thereabouts, I did, of course, explore what many derisively call the "New Age", but, from day one, I never was interested in the "watered down" stuff. I always referred to myself as an "occultist", even from my 1st few years of jumping into the Rabbit Hole, and always delighted in quoting things like Arthur C. Clarke's "any significantly advanced science would seem like magick to those who don't understand it" gem, or similar stuff. Plus I always seemed to have a man crush on King Solomon and figures like that. An interesting Tarot reading at about 25 yo even revealed that I had been some kind of High Priest in Egypt. So the occult was "in my blood" you could say. I was more interested in things like pyramid power than wearing crystals or breathing in pink, lavender scented incense, if you know what I am trying to tell you. (I even did the "spells" you can do with a replica, cardboard pyramid and they worked every time! Apparently the pyramid shape works as a "thought incubator" of sorts, so it amplifies "thought forms" that you write on a piece of paper and place under the pyramid for a week. try it out! Also have been treating drinking water under a pyramid for about 10 yrs now, which also doubles as a fantastic healer of cuts, bruises, etc, in addition to being the perfect facewash: I've never had a pimple problem since!!). So, even though my 20ies were an incredible era, a period during which I walked out of the invisible Christian Prison and breathed the air of Intellectual Freedom for the first time, I got "bored" pretty quickly. 

Even though there was the TS bookstore, I still got bored within a few short years. I hanged out a lot at the Melbourne Theosophical Society book store, you see, because all the Hippies/New Agers, etc., knew that that was THE place to be if you wanted to just go somewhere with an A to Z smorgasbord of Occult, Astrology, Alien-related books and be allowed to read them for free without being forced to buy. So, after I (thankfully, for my Right Brain's sake) left University and was unemployed for a time, I'd just often take the train to the city centre and spent hours and hours in that place. 

So, anyway, the point is that I was never particularly interested in the kinds of books you typically see in the "New Age" section of a regular book store, always looking for the most advanced, occult-oriented stuff I could get my hands on. To be honest, the only thing I really got out of the New Age is my massive interest in meditation and, years later, Reiki. And, truly, these things are as sound as sound can be. No normal, intelligent person will seriously tell you they are no good or useless (unless they are so far gone into their Matrix Mind Control that they can't even understand what my last 2 sentences really meant).

So fast forward, then, about a decade after my Grand Awakening: once I successfully completed The Culling by about age 28, I thought I had finally found the "right friends". Wrong! I soon found that all I had accomplished was to surround myself by a bevy of acid popping, smelly hippies on the left and "Love & Light, no responsibility for my own actions", unicorn worshipping New Agers on the right. So I thought to myself "WTF went wrong here? I thought it was a "good" thing that I struggled to break away from the Religious Matrix..." Oh, well, at least among these misinfo/disinfo bathed weirdos you found a person, here and there, that had an interest in David Icke, meditation, true Astrology, and all those wholesome things. So, all in all, it was far better than being stuck with the "Jesus is so the new Zeus!" crowd. 

Then, after many more adventures...and arguments, particularly with people who honestly thought it was way more important to do acid than to meditate (or to take a shower for that matter lol), I got interested in Reiki. I had spontaneously developed "healing of the hands" energy on my own, during a meditation session once, about 2 years prior to doing Reiki I; but, even if you do have the "energy", getting a Reiki attunement is always recommended. When I did Reiki I in early '11, the energy changed and strengthened. So, anyway, a year before I actually did Reiki I, I had outgrown my previous phase to the point where I thought I might set some of my own trends instead of trying to find one I could follow (since there WERE none anyway!). So I had already started my YouTube channel and website at that time. This is about Feb 2010 now. And, so, aside from getting regular Reiki healings with a great local healer I had "accidentally" found, I didn't really have any other connection to anything remotely New Agey. And, by the way, Reiki shouldn't really be thought of as being such, but whatever...people and their fixed perceptions.'s simply Energetic Healing. Period. Full stop. Nothing more. We don't need no labels in here thank you; we're all full. 

So, a few years later, I ended up getting more involved with Reiki. After doing Reiki I, I would go to Reiki share nights, where, for a very small fee, you take turns in healing other people & getting healing from them in turn. It was good. I was pretty obsessed with Reiki. I wanted to be a Reiki Master from day one. I loved everything about Reiki. But, then, one fine day, the title of this article happened: I realized I was a Light Warrior as opposed to a passive, effeminate, "I'll just lay down on my stomach, pull my pants down, lube myself up and wait for George H.W Bush to FUCK me in the ass" Light Worker. I started to "clash" with the entire ethos of the Reiki scene. And, by the way, please don't scream "CHAUVINIST WOMAN HATER!" now, but, let's face it: while the general Alternative scene is pretty much a 50/50 mix, the Reiki scene in particular is kinda 99.9999999999999 % dominated by females, and nobody can really bring up any serious objections to this statement of fact. So, as far as the women in the Reiki scene and I go, I guess I kinda went through a real-life, less epic version of the famous "He can go to places we cannot go!" scene from the phenomenal Dune novel and the not-so-phenomenal movie version (Why, David Lynch?? Why....?!? Do you hate humanity? Did you make it just to spit on Frank Herbert??)

They couldn't understand my energy, you see. And, by the way, just so I can plug my awesomeness here for a second or three (sort of like a well deserved, Karmic pay check I've been waiting to receive in the mail for a few years now...), I have actually created a new Reiki modality recently. That's a pretty damn good comeback for a guy who, a little under 2 years ago, was shunned by every Reiki healer found within a 50 mile radius of his shoebox apartment. But this post is not about "promoting" that, it's about Divine Justice (though I will still include my website links below lol). Just like with the great Paul Atreides in "Dune", I found myself in a situation where I was surrounded by a "den" of, well...."loving" female Reiki healers (see what I did there? I controlled myself and didn't say "den of Lower Astral controlled witches"). And they had NO damn clue, whatsoever, about what I was really working through, etc. When i say "working through" I mean "working through Dense Shadow material and so forth, which is all part of a person's Spiritual healing process". In fact, one famous, local Reiki Master (whom I don't really want to name or expose, though I will mention what she does), who produces scores and scores of new students each and every year, actually teaches her Reiki I students that (now get this would you?), and I quote, "There IS no Dark Side because Reiki is just pure Love. So therefore you don't need to ask for protection".

Believe it! She says that shit! Yes! I remember that I protested while in the class. What I witnessed next was the dictionary definition of stubborn self righteousness personified!! Another interesting note to this, almost too surreal to be believed, tale is that, while googling something on the subject (and not more than an hour after I had brought it up in conversation with another Reiki healer), I "accidentally" stumbled onto a project avalon forum where they discussed this issue and, lo and behold, a fellow Melbourne girl had made a post about taking a Reiki I class by this very same Reiki Master: both she and a friend that was with her in the Reiki class, had "seen" a large Reptilian Entity overshadowing the know-it-all, uber "Master"!! True story. I do have the bookmark, and I do have the link. And, even if I lost it, I remember how to find this post in 5 seconds again! But, because I'm such a nice guy, I will not post it here...

So, there you have it: it is "loving" healers like these that Dark Entities usually attach to. And, then, when they see a guy like me, a guy that, due to having high energy and creativity levels, also happens to have a LOT of Shadow Material to work though while still in the "transmuting phase" of his Spiritual Journey...well, these types of people can't understand that kind of energy, you see. Because they have erroneously trained themselves to believe that there is no Dark Side and, so, they cannot possibly understand it when confronted by it. I mean, 80% + of these idiots wouldn't understand a thing about proper Spiritual protection, or the Occult in general, even if you got the largest, fattest version of Manly P. Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages you could find and whacked them across the face with it! Though it probably would help a little towards waking them the FUCK up to the reality of LIFE IN THE THIRD DIMENSION AS WE KNOW IT!

So this, ladies and gentlemen, is a perfect illustration of the differences between a truly occult based search for Truth and the New Age version of running from reality, instead of facing it head on. "Oh, I'm just a lil' ol healer....I don't know about those 'scary' things" you hear them say. Really?! You don't know about what things, exactly? The fact that George H.W Bush has killed 100s and 100s of little boys & girls in ritual sacrifice after repeatedly fucking them first???!!!!!?! Is that what you "don't know about those things"???!!!!?! Or the fact that that glass of water you're drinking right now is actually poisoned by people that move in Father Bush's circles in order to deliberately kill you, or at the very least, passify (I should have said "pussify", but anyway...) you?! Or is it maybe the fact that that Reiki Master who everyone else thinks is a "bastion of Love & Light" is actually giving out poisonous disinformation that results in obfuscating the TRUTH about the Mind Parasites that have encroached on our Dimension since Atlantean times??!?!

I mean, I wonder if any of these ignorant, self absorbed fools have even read Carlos Castaneda before? Castaneda should be "required reading" for people like us. It's not even an "add on"; it's not a luxury. It is, pure and simple, something everyone should know about in the "spiritual" scene, kinda like everyone already (well presumably lol) knows what meditation is. And, yet, they do not. And, incredibly, these people are allowed to go around, in the tens of thousands, supposedly "healing" other people, while they use no protection! No understanding of the Reptilian/Archontic Collective whatsoever! And you saw what happens ^^ when a Reiki Master is totally convinced that this collective doesn't even exist: they end up controlling her without her even being consciously aware of it!!

So, finally, a few months after Dec 2012, I synchronistically began to encounter male healers, who were the Divine Masculine version, and complete antithesis, of the typical "New Age (bullshit), incense burning, head-in-the-sand, female healer" and began to really find myself after that point. I got powerful healing the likes of which I had never experienced before. Healing that completely transformed me in deep ways and changed my life trajectory forever! I even became pretty good friends with one guy (there were 3 of them all in all) and we would discuss our very similar experiences of being "shunned" by the female dominated Reiki Cult ( sorry, scene, I meant to say scene not cult! Dear me). 

After one particular shamanic healing session, I will never forget what happened: when I got home, in a half-trance in bed, I saw a vision of going to my own funeral: this was telling me that my "old self was dying soon" basically. This was almost mid '13. Lo and behold, in late Sep '13, I "accidentally" discovered Facebook groups and my life is unrecognizable today! I seem to have ridden an incredible Wave of Synchronicity that, again, quite "accidentally", has taken me to a Magickal Kingdom in a galaxy not so far away, in which there are NO unicorns or fairies (not one!) and where I happily preside over about half a dozen booming FB Truther groups, full of Light Warriors that actually "know" their stuff. A lot of these guys (and gals, of course. in fact, the % of my fem friends is greater than the males, I'm pretty sure of it) are actually very dear friends, even though I've only ever met 2 in the flesh. They are like the "other" family. And the most amazing thing about it is that none of this was ever "planned" in a Left Brain, 3D fashion. Never in a million years would I have seen this development coming. But, truth be told, it was all a result of the healing I got from the extremely shunned, male healers I bumped into in early '13. Admittedly, credit must be given to the great fem Reiki healer who first introduced me to one of these male healers (who is a colleague of hers). She knows who she is and, if she reads this, I give her two thumbs up for doing that, even though, if you ask her, she will say it was not technically "her" but the Reiki Energy speaking thru her. 

But, still, the fact remains that, no matter how I ended up meeting these guys, it was the Divine Masculine healing that saved my ass and got me where I am today and not female Reiki healers that seriously think there is no Dark Side AT all, and who also have a habit of kicking strong males out of their Reiki share nights. It's a sad fact to admit but, truly, the Masculine element is sorely lacking from the scene. Sorely! And, if we let this go on, it will be its final downfall. Last I checked, the Aquarian Age is presumably about balance of the two polarities, not suppression of one by the other. And, while many of these "New Age Goddesses" will never admit it to your face (and probably not even to themselves, since they mostly do it subconsciously due to a knee-jerk reaction to the ancestral memory of suppression of the Feminine by "the Patriarchy"), the fact of the matter is that they DO show massive, and I mean massive, signs of a sort of "very passive aggressive, male-hating tendency, which is thinly disguised as 'Love and Tolerance'". This is so true. 

Because here is the other thing, too: a big % of these "loving" female healers are just women that suddenly had an epiphany after some tragedy (like a marriage breakdown or something of the sort) and decided they will now become a "loving New Ager" at the age of 35! LOL. While, at the same time, people like me, and most of my epic FB friends around the world, were reading Manly P. Hall and books like the Kybalion from around 20 yo or so! You see what I'm getting at here, don't you? Over half (easily) of these "healers" are hypocrites that haven't even heard of the word Archon, yet they feel it's perfectly OK to accuse a male Reiki healer of "not being able to connect with the Heart Center" or "having a big ego", because this person happens to be pretty sure of himself when he says that what these healers teach people is total BULLSHIT! And, perhaps most important of all: simply because they have set up all these Reiki healing communicates as a sort of an unofficial "haven for womanness", a place where anything whatsoever to do with the "Neanderthal" Masculine Energy (even if it's the positive manifestations of it) is considered "alien" and misunderstood. And what happens when we don't understand something? Exactly right: we FEAR it! So, anyway, enough complaining now...

Also, during that period, I slowly began to realize there was this new term floating around on the internetz, known as "Light Warrior" as opposed to Light "worker" (worker?? so are they "employed" by the Universal Light Corp.™ or something? Kinda like saying a "Walmart worker"? Is there like a "Light work employment agency" that's manned by fairies and whose offices are decorated exclusivity in the many different shades of turquoise? do they get Astral Dental plans...?)

The final verdict of this post, then: while the Divine Feminine, which is (over) exemplified in the New Age Movement IS a very, very good and very necessary thing, because it is there to balance out the horrific, negative expression of the Divine Masculine currently played out in the world (war, aggression, slavery, ego, over intellectualising, etc), it MUST, at the same time, be kept in check by the positive attributes of the Divine Masculine. It simply must! Otherwise you will get an imbalance that, while expressed differently than society's current Masculine imbalance, will be as destructive! Not a typo: I really did say "as destructive as the current imbalance we see in the Masculine Polarity".

Tuesday, 10 February 2015


I've known about the power of positive thinking and about reprogramming the subconscious to do our bidding, since forever now...and have made good use of it in the past. It did many things for me in my "early days", in my mid/late 20ies: helped with money, relationships, accommodation, etc, etc. But, until very recently, I hadn't understood the true implications: the tiniest negative self talk, put down, or limiting belief can destroy, in 5 minutes, what took you ten years to build! 

So, lately, I've started saying stuff like this to myself randomly throughout the day: 

"All the abundance of the universe flows to me and I deserve every bit, and even more so, because I'm a good person, have worked hard for it and have been through a lot to get here"

I just close my eyes, go in Zen mode for a second and just say stuff like that, with feeling. You need to believe it; you need to be convinced that you actually deserve the abundance, not just "say" you do. 

Any variant of something like this will, very likely, do wonders for you after a few months of doing it. It's all about re-writing the software in your subconscious, you see. 99% of us have "faulty software", so to speak, and, hence, Affirmations, Vision Boards, Hypnotherapy, Energy healing, etc., work to rewire these limiting beliefs. Sure, there are some people in the scene who bitch about Vision Boards and so forth, lumping it all in with New Age Bullshit, but without really telling you why exactly this is so! It's mostly because they parrot it from hearing someone else say it....without ever having tested these tools out for themselves first before they make a final judgement on them. Then again, these types seem to complain about everything, period. 

Well, gee, I must be delusional then; I must be imagining things that are not there, when I notice that 80% + of whatever I put on my first ever Vision Board (I made it about 1.5 years ago) has clearly come true in the most synchronistic, unexpected, mind blowing ways. Hmmm...

So, anyway, even though everyone "knows" about all this stuff, please challenge yourself for a few months and try to put them into actual practice. Will you do that for me, please? See what happens. What have you got to lose...?? And, if you can, get back to me with your results on FB, or wherever you can find me. I mean it. I'd like to see how it worked for you guys...because it really does work. Like magick. 

Monday, 9 February 2015


Everything is Vibration and Energy. So, any kind of communication between living creatures is simply energy exchange –exchange of Vibrations, to be exact. Thought is vibration, and so is Sound; and what we call "speech" is just the Thought dropping in frequency, converting to sound waves and sending them to the other person, whose Energy System then decodes the wave and "understands" what the speaker had in their head as a "thought".

And, of all the many ways we can communicate (i.e.: exchange energy) with another Independent Living Energy System, Sexual intercourse is the most powerful one. While, in the former example, it is only part of a person's Mind that you temporarily take on your Energy System (i.e.: they "give you a piece of their Mind" quite literally, when they tell you something), with Sex you, quite literally, absorb part of the other person's Soul! And, if the sexual relationship is a long-term one, you will find yourself "becoming" like that person more & more. Both people's DNA templates, Auras, Minds, personalities, etc, start to intertwine and each takes on part of the others' Soul. And it is very difficult to shake off, even years after you stop seeing this person.

This is little known in the (much more than) abysmally backward West, so people (including your's truly, in days gone by!) often give little thought when selecting a sexual partner. We look at superficial traits like physical appearance and surface "niceness", and not anything deeper than that. Some semi-Wise Ones may even go to the "trouble" of working out some kind of Astrological compatibility thing out (synastry) and, if they get at least a B+ in that department, then they think it's passable since it's "so 'hard' to meet a good person these days", right??

But, in the long term, we invariably wake up one day, only to find we have lost our former selves (and 1,000s of hours doing the "boyfriend-girlfriend" crap!), because we mixed our Soul Energies with the wrong person/people for too long, and lament the fact that they haven't released those rumored Tesla Time Machines for mass consumption yet!!

Make no mistake about it: choosing the right long term sex partner is as important (and perhaps even more so) as choosing the right career, etc. It is truly that serious. You're much, much better off being a "single loser" (why is the person a "loser" anyway, if it is a conscious choice?) for 5 years until you find the fitting Vibratory match, rather than capitulate to the Retard Society's stigma against consenting single people. Because, even though you may not think so at the moment, the fact is: there is a Vibrational match out there for you! You just need the right amount of patience and preparation. You're better off working on yourself if you're not in a relationship right now, and not think about it too much. Just work on being the best "you" you can possibly be. And, then, improve some more! And some more after that! After that, maybe, just maybe you can start worrying about this nebulous thing we call "meaningful relationships"...

Thing is, if you haven't found wholeness within yourself by doing deep soul work, a "partner" will not be able to fill the void. They just will not, sorry to be the one to tell you. And, if you rush into it too soon, it will just be something that will take time/energy away from other things you should be doing. Things that will actually produce meaningful, lasting results for you and, in the future, for the rest of the world too. When you put a lot of work into your Spiritual development, you will eventually reach the point where you will be "called" to help others, and may even be in a big way. How many poor souls in our scene have been led astray, because of this silly idea that "I need to have 'serious relationship' (you mean as opposed to a funny one??) by a certain age, so I can please my father, mother, friends, my priest, rabbi, and everyone else"?? 

How many 1,000s upon 1,000s of people (whose Soul Contract, before incarnating on this Idiocy yet AGAIN, had them lined up to do great things for the world) have completely lost track of their original Life Missions in a particular lifetime because of "white picket fence and 2.5 kids"...and then had to get a "reset" and be reinserted into the Matrix 50 years later? Seriously, what a waste of a lifetime, focusing on "human", Lower Chakra, Emotional Love (instead of the Divine Love of Higher Self that would make you choose your Life Mission over a 'relationship'). I don't want to say it, but I fear it must be in the millions over the past few generations, and not just 1,000s! Well, I know that I, for one, have narrowly avoided this pitfall in this lifetime, at least; and, having seen a little glimmer of the light, I try to point it out to my buddies around the world that usually "get” where I'm coming from...

Friday, 6 February 2015


Sure, we live on a Dark Planet right now, a “prison for your mind” to quote the great Morpheus; but you must channel all your frustrations and disappointments into action! Only in this way can you truly get out of Apathy (for those of you who genuinely feel you're in apathy that is). Find a worthy goal, even if it’s not quite “saving the whole universe” at first, and work it! Work on it every single, damn waking second and don’t listen to any discouraging chatter from so called “friends” that say “it can’t be done”. He, who does not wish for you to succeed without bounds and, indeed, to surpass even your own great expectations, is no real friend, I'm afraid.

In fact, while not necessarily psychopathic, someone like this is not really a good person in general, if you really think about it. These types operate on the MO of “another’s failure is my gain”; they think in a dog-eat-dog way. Even if, for the most part, we can safely say they’re victims of the Psychopathic, Darwinian Control Grid foisted upon us for 12,000 years + now, they are still to be avoided LIKE THE PLAGUE for the time being. Until we can uplift many more people that is. And, then, it will be safe enough for us to mingle with the Sleepers without really being adversely effected to the point where a single, negative put-down can potentially cause havoc to your Energy Body (or call it Aura if you will), taking weeks, or even longer, to recover your high Vibrational Frequency again! 

You need to understand that many Light Workers/Warriors have been utterly DESTROYED by not heeding this warning, and their Life Missions derailed! Some even end up on a life of hard drugs, or may even take their own lives because their finer Vibrations can absolutely not handle the negativity of their Non-Awakened friends/family. I'm not suggesting to break away from everyone you know and go live in a cave all of a sudden...but, for the love of God, do NOT put up with people that are Certified, 5 Star A-holes either...

Then, when you've achieved something in your life, when you have steady growth, you work on the “maintenance”: you keep what you have gained, be it Spiritual, monetary, a great loving relationship, an uplifting social network, a great artistic achievement…or a combination thereof. And a key component in this part is to surround yourself with equally active, ambitious, strong and, most important of all, AWAKE people, because the others will just tear you down and destroy in a day what has taken you 5 – 10 years, or more, to painstakingly build! You know, very well, I speak sooth. It's not about being "intolerant of people that know less" It's much more: this is about SELF
PRESERVATION. Period! Full stop. If you wanna call me "intolerant" for trying to look after my well being, then be my guest, knock yourself out. Before you do that though, please read the top part of the previous paragraph again: people have DIED because of either genuinely not being aware of the lethal effect the Negatives can have on one, or just deliberately ignoring this fact. 

Then, one day, when you’ve finally become as great as you can possibly be, when you have ironed out the great majority of the wrinkles in your Jungian Shadow, well, then, my friend...then you need to start helping OTHERS do the same. And, in this way, we will all work in concert to, bit by bit, lift Mankind up from out of the current quagmire it finds itself in! And, one day, blogs like this one will be the norm, not "the fringe"...

Thursday, 5 February 2015


Writing is a 3D representation of Thought, which is 5D or, in other words, "invisible" to your 3D, Physical Eyes. But writing down Thoughts is a powerful thing indeed: it is an imprint of the 5D onto the 3D. Thus, when you find yourselves exchanging Thoughts on the Internet, you are actually partaking of other peoples' Energetic Matrix, because a Thought is only but an energetic impulse of a person's Energy Field. It can be translated into Sound, i.e: when you speak or into Writing, i.e: when you write your Thoughts down, be it online or in private. So it is just like Energetic Food. This is why you have phrases like "food for thought" and so on. Because, deep down, the Higher Self knows the Truth about Thoughts being Energetic Emanations.

So, when you communicate online, for a prolonged time, with what you call "negative" people and then feel drained, this is not accidental. You are partaking of their Energetic Matrix through their Words. This also works in reverse, of course: you have no doubt noticed, when you speak with people of a finer Vibratory Frequency, you feel light, uplifted, happier and so on. You shouldn't really need more proof than that, so you didn't really need me to tell you how it works, but I am telling you nonetheless. You need a deeper explanation of the phenomenon.

The entire Universe in nothing but Vibration. From Prime Creator all the way down to a rock, it is just Vibration and nothing more. When an Entity cannot see past its own Vibration, the Energetic Impulses coming from the finer, Higher Realms seem invisible. This is how most of you perceive Thought. But it isn't. Thought is as real as the chair you are now sitting on and as the computer, or phone you are reading this from. Only you cannot "see" it with your limited 3D eyes. Just because you cannot see it, however, does not mean you cannot feel its effects on you. And this is what happens when you are surrounded with people of a low Vibration: they reduce your Vibration over time, depending on how frequently you are exposed to them. Being with them in person is worse than communicating online, but you must understand that it is not really that different. Thought supersedes Matter, so it is the Words that count. You read words on the online forums and communities and you think it wont affect you much because the person is a million miles away. However, the effect can be very profound.

This post was made so you know to guard yourselves Energetically when online, because it is really not that different to being in the same physical space with the other person. Think of it like this: think of their Thoughts being transmitted through the medium of Words and then you take that Energy into your Auric Field, by reading it and converting the 3D version of their Thoughts into 5D again. It is like an Energy exchange, at its barest essentials. You will now think back to many times where this has happened to you and will have a sudden epiphany that what I'm saying is true. Know this: when you are engaging in any kind of communication with another person, all you are really doing is exchanging Energy. And since ALL is Vibration, all you are really doing is sending Vibrations back and forth that take the form of sound or whatever else it may be.

This is, of course, both a good thing and a bad thing. It is good because you now know that, by associating with people of a similar or higher Vibration, you can only grow. It is bad because you have just realized you may have spent 10 years of your life with somebody, or several people, that drained your Life Force Energy. This is a very difficult thing to admit, but at least now you know what kinds of people to avoid in future. There is no sense of intolerance, or hatred, for people of a lower Vibration. I am just telling you the Truth of how it works. And you already can feel it intuitively from remembering the times that it has happened to you in the past. The important thing is to try to increase your Vibrational Frequency as much as you can and also to protect what you have already gained, because you can always fall if you make the wrong choices and mix with the wrong people for a long enough period.

This is a key bit of information to put out to the world, because you are living in a time where the online communication is fast becoming the norm and it will, one day, supersede all else. The Dark Ones are trying to use this trend for their own ends, but they cannot stop it at this point. The Light Workers and Warriors out there, who are working tirelessly in online communities and expending much energy and time, on a daily basis, need to realize how dangerous it can be to get into a situation of Online Energetic Vampirism. Many of you assume that, just because it is not face to face, then the damage cannot be that serious. You are gravely mistaken; ignore this advice at your own peril!

I am here to protect the ones who do this sort of work and to help them succeed and not be thwarted by the Dark Side. The Dark Side is primarily within Mankind and not from some exterior source that a lot of people like to blame for all the ills of the world. If you all took Responsibility for your lot in life, then there would BE no Dark Cabal in the first place! You are, for the most part, your own worst enemies. You put the Cabal there, so YOU need to remove them, of course; and this can be done very effectively in the coming decades by utilising your fabulous online networks that have sprung up around the world like stubborn weeds that, against all odds, grow through concrete.  The Dark knows this, sees this...and doesn't like this! So, they will try to sow confusion and discord thru their Agents of Chaos and Destruction. You can also add to that the fact that your own Darkness within causes even bigger problems amongst you and there you have it: a recipe for disaster that will send you full speed ahead to Prison Planet Earth!

If you've understood what I have really said here, you will realize that the only ones that can stop you now is YOURSELVES. So you must:

1) guard against your own Dark Shadow within
2) guard against others that are of Low Vibration and like to cause chaos and discord
3) seek those who are of a High Vibration
4) create networks comprised only of High Vibration individuals

In so doing, you will make it out. If not, then the ever-growing Global Mind that is the Internet will be used against you by the Dark Cabal and, just like all of their other mass control tools, will be used to bring about your Enslavement instead of your Freedom!

The choice is yours...
I AM Archangel Michael