You know that thing us humans do, when we somehow, as a Collective, pick up on and "know" certain things? Like, for example, the way that certain sayings have come about, which speak of deep Truths, i.e.: "red with anger", which is about the very true fact that our Aura turns redder the angrier we get. A similar thing is the fact that in virtually EVERY language known to us, there are identical phrases for the same stuff. Speaking both perfect English and Greek and having lived in both Greece and Australia, I can confirm this first hand. It's an extremely fascinating thing to observe, especially when you realize it even happens in 2 cultures that have had NO historical connection: so there is NO way that a particular phrase could've been somehow 'borrowed' from the earlier culture. And the reason is that these things come from WITHIN, not from without. They are innate. But this is not the point of this post. I am going somewhere else with this entirely...
And that is Father George "fucking (little children)" Bush! I have noticed a MOST peculiar phenomenon where this man (??) is concerned: it looks to me that, while there is an ever-changing array of characters on the "NWO Bad Guys of the Month" list, which is a lot like IMDB's 'Best Movies Ever' list lol, the ONE constant on this list seems to be Father Bush. There's a million different alternative Researchers out there and they blame everybody from The Red Shield to Santa Claus for all the ills of the world...but the ONE constant throughout all of this is George Herbert Walker Bush! Look into this, you will find the same pattern that I did. It's truly astounding!
It seems to be a case of the Collective Consciousness "knowing" who the 'real life Darth Sidious' is. We just do. And the Alternative Researchers seem to be even MORE in tune with their Intuition, so, with them, this 'knowing' comes out even stronger. Everybody from Thomas Sheridan, to David Icke, to Stewart Swerdlow keep mentioning this guy again and gain and AGAIN! The mind boggles. This guy is (or at least was, since he's too old now to be physically active in his evil ways) literally almost like some comic book super-villain. No kidding! Wherever there is high level, Dark Cabal evilery going on, this guy is sure to be there! Especially if there's child fucking/killing. Oh, Father Bush can't get ENOUGH of that!
The accusations are endless! Rothschild and the Jesuits would be green with envy!
1) First there are the strong Nazi ties, which every man and his dog knows about (or should anyway)
2) Then we have Skull & Bones. No explanation necessary there
3) The never-ending child abuse/ritual killing accusations
4) The heavy MK Ultra involvement (see Cathy O' Brien's story for more on this)
5) The cocaine trafficking
6) He was head of CIA for a time, which, tied in with the rest of this Top Ten list, makes the CIA look like it's not at ALL on our side
7) He was VICE President when there was an assassination attempt on Reagan in the early 80ies. There was an article I read that had DAMNING evidence and connections directly tying BUSH to it! See, the way it works is like this: there is a neat little loophole in American politics, where, if a President dies while still in office, his Vice President is immediately appointed President on the spot. No elections, nothing! So the fucker was scheming, even from back then, to get the Top Job. It was an all out coup attempt
8) When he finally DID get the Top Job, he, of course, blatantly announced the "New World Order" (as did the 'fictional' Emperor Palpatine announce his own New Order right after killing and lying his way into the Emperor's chair. This is in the so-called 'fictional' Star Wars film, "Revenge of the Sith", for those who don't already know)
9) And, speaking of trying to kill Reagan so he can replace him, there are some convincing theories that say he may have been directly involved in the Kennedy assassination, believe it or not!! Thought this is one that I have my doubts about personally. Then again, you never know with this career asshole...
10) He went in, with Desert Storm, and tried to take out one of the last remaining Sovereign nations that didn't have a Red Shield Bank controlling it. I cannot confirm this one, but some even say that these types of evil dynasties have an extreme interest in those Middle Eastern regions because there a certain powerful artifacts, or even portals. If we want to get very X-Files about it all, there may even Stargates in the Iraq region that have to do with the mysterious ancestors of these scumbags. Who knows, but the point is they DID take down Saddam mostly because he was sovereign and not at ALL for the supposed 'reasons' they give us on the Brainwashing Box. Oh, I'm sorry, did I call television "the brainwashing box"? Oh my, I guess I did, didn't I?
And the list could go on forever with this inhuman, vampire, TRASH!! I could talk about Stewart Swerdlow's claims of remembering him being at Montauk during the MK Ultra programming sessions, or about his involvement in the White House paedophile scandal that was later covered up by killing about a dozen witnesses and on and on. I'd be writing for hours and would have to look up dozens of links to provide you with!
And, now, they are trying to put a THIRD Bush into the White House?? And what's the alternative to Jeb Bush? Hillary Clinton. Well, that's just fucking great! You've got to be kidding me! When will this ever end?!! Are we going to be controlled by the same murderous clans for another 1,000 years before we finally wake up??!
Icke puts it in his own, inimitable way here: