I see a big problem in the Alternative Scene and, put simply, there are 2 kinds of people:
Team 1: Those that, thru engaging in some type of mental/spiritual development on a long-term basis, do objectively perceive, and thus 'believe' (but choice of word but anyway), in the finer Realms
Team 2: Those who, for whatever reason, do not yet perceive this very OBJECTIVE reality
Now the problem with this is as follows: while the people in Team 1 know Team 2 is wrong, the ones in Team 2 "think" that Team 1 members are misled at best, bat shit crazy at worst. Amazingly, however, both teams think they are correct! And, if we wish to break down the mechanics of this conundrum even further:
Team 1 typically ignores/avoids Team 2, but mostly does not harbor any particularly ill feelings towards them, being that they realize Team 2 members will eventually "come round"...be it in this lifetime or, in severe cases of Left Brainitis, after about another 10 incarnations!
Conversely and (very) sadly, it has been observed that Team 2 is prone to be more acerbic than Team 1 when talking about their fellow humans belonging to the opposite team. Why this is so may seem like a baffling mystery, until one comes to understand the CONFIRMED FACT that, as the Ego dies down thru some form of Yoga to make way for the Higher Self, the person generally becomes more understanding. Not always, but generally. This, of course, does not apply to Team 2 unfortunately, as they would, by definition, not be the type that meditates, etc.
Now you could say: "Well, how can we be so sure that all this bullshit you mention about Astral worlds, and so on, is "objectively" real and not just your imagination?"
This would be an excellent question indeed, were it not for the fact that millions of totally unconnected people routinely seem to come up with the same stories! And, to be honest, we don't even need millions: even it were five people, who didn't know each other, that came up with near identical accounts of the Lower Astral (or whatever else), it would still suffice.
To put another way, we are divided amongst those who 'get it' and those who don't. Those who do get it are, in general, quite happy to cooperate with those who don't...however Camp 2 prefers to stay in that tiny little box their Cognitive Dissonance dictates to them. So will this measly little blog post change this situation? I very much doubt it. In fact, it may even further piss off and alienate some Team Twos that read it.
But it will help shed a bit of light on an extremely important issue in our scene. It will also work as something of an unofficial 'open letter from Team 1 to Team 2', being that I am a very vocal representative of the former and know virtually everything there is to know about said team.
So how do we get out of this mess then? Because, honestly, it is not at all a "constructive" situation. Not in the slightest. I will not name names and specific Authors/Researchers here, but every man and his dog (and every 'womb man' and her cat) knows full well that there is a schism between the 'Reptilian theory/UFO believers' vs. the 'Reptilian theory/UFO debunkers'. I will readily admit that, at first glance, the Reptilian thing seems like silliness at best, and an ALL out 'psy op designed to make the myopic (to put it lightly) members of Team 2 look bad' at worst.
Then again, even Organized RELIGION seems legit, at first glance. Imagine that! I guess what I am saying is: minus the actual facts regarding a particular theory, situation, person, etc., there is just no way one can make an informed decision about it. And, since it was used as an example, in the case of Organized Religion (by the way: easily the biggest bane of Mankind!), when a person is born into it and doesn't know the history of how the Vatican, for instance, rose to power, they would understandably buy all the religious bullshit hook, line and sinker. Same goes for all this Lower Astral Realms (and the closely related 'UFO and Ancient Astronaut') stuff that us 'crazies' keep talking about. By the way, when you call us 'crazy'...you mean kinda like 'Galileo crazy'? Or 'Tesla crazy', right? Well, you get the point. Obviously what I'm getting at is that all these seemingly crazy things will be accepted as being the norm, nay even as 'scientific' (imagine that!), one of these fine days. Yes, much like, irrespective of how much his contemporaries complained about it, Galileo's heliocentrism was eventually accepted as being fact.
Mark my words, ladies and gentlemen: all this 'crazy' stuff about Lower Astral Realms, Greys, Arcturians, Pleiadians, Reptilians, Etheric Dimensions, Reiki healing, etc, etc., WILL become accepted mainstream facts within a decade or so. And this is not to say that simply by KNOWING and recognizing there is life on other planets beside ours --I mean, seriously, who wouldn't understand this basic fact in this day and age, right?!-- that we're somehow automatically suggesting these life forms will come to SAVE US FROM OUR OWN ASSES!!!!!
Oh, no, no, no...
Did you ever ONCE see me say (on YouTube) or write this anywhere? If you did, I would very much like to see an audio sample or a screenshot of it, because, as far as I know, I never have, never will espouse the Galactic Federation of Light type of BULLshit. I never have believed this utter tripe, I never WILL believe this utter tripe! And it is a very sad fact that, in the majority of cases, Team 2 members, thru some sort of misguided, knee-jerk reaction, immediately lump guys like me (of who there are many in the scene, believe it or not) in with the GFOL bullshit, thus throwing out the baby with the bathwater. This is very unfortunate, but it happens a lot. Let me explain what guys like me really believe regarding all the so-called 'crazy' stuff. ('crazy'...LOL. Next thing you know, they will tell us that recognizing the existence of a Supreme Being is also 'crazy'...)
Please try to, even if for a short moment, remove your preconceived notions about what the "crazy 'believers' in Reptilians and UFOs" believe in. Once you do this, please read on...
1) First and foremost, people like me absolutely ABHOR the religious notion that something or someone will, at some undefined point in the near future, come down to "save us".
This applies to everything from the typical Organized Religions that have ensnared 2/3 of the earth, to the various GFOL New Age Bullshit beliefs, to self improvement Cults. None, I repeat, NONE of these things will actually "save us from ourselves". This is very important to understand, which is why it is at No. 1
2) While there are other, secondary solutions, the MOST important thing to do as a planet, bar none, is to raise our Vibrational Frequencies. Period. The end. If one cannot see that this is so, then it is not for them to see. It may take you some years, or lifetimes, to arrive at this same conclusion, but arrive there you will, for this is not "opinion" but fact. This IS the way out of the mess planet Earth currently finds herself in. And I am not just "saying it", I have lived it. These words (in fact virtually all my articles/videos) are borne of experiential knowing, not just some stuff I read in a book/article, or saw on YouTube once.
Everything else, including but not limited to, learning Natural Law, learning how the Money Matrix truly works, doing dot connecting and exposing the various 3D, 5 Sense aspects of the Grand Conspiracy, understanding how to recognize and deal with Psychopaths, "saving the whales" (this is mostly a joke, directly aimed at Militant Vegans actually ;) ), saving the Amazon forest and on and on, ad nauseam, all of it...ALL of it, is secondary to consciously attempting to raise one's Vibrational Frequency thru some form of Yoga (Yoga is the catch all term for things like Meditation, for those who do not already know)
3) Following on from No. 2 and provided the entire Alternative Scene does actively take steps to accomplish the stated goal of No. 2, we will start seeing that more and more people will "magickally" come up with near identical accounts about "crazy alien shit". Aint it funny how that works? It's all to do with opening the Third Eye, you see. Currently, however, only a portion of the scene is doing what is stated in No. 2. And this is a problem that must be dealt with asap
4) Once 2 & 3 are well under way, then we will, quite naturally, a) have more solidarity, being that we now ALL 'know' the real Truth about the world and b) start to take ACTION towards reversing the various problems directly connected with the Lower Astral and so forth
5) At some point, with the ever growing, and united, Alternative Scene acting as a spearhead, this attitude will spill over into the mainstream and will, one day, become the accepted way of thinking
So THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is what a lot of us "crazies" believe and not in fact that Pleiadians will come down and save our stupid asses from our OWN Apathy and Inaction. Not at all. In any case, I know that I believe in the above 5 points and conduct myself in accordance with them. I also know that my core FB friends have very similar thinking and would like to believe there are many thousands more like this around the world that I have not yet had the privilege to meet. In contrast, however, this is what the New Age Bullshit people generally think:
1) There is no duality from the birds-eye-view of God (of course there isn't, but then again, you are NOT God either, are you?!), so I will flatly refuse to admit to myself that this world is currently IN duality
2) This means I will also refuse to admit to myself that there are "bad things" happening in the world and, at most, occasionally send them some "Love & Light" to magickally fix them without having to fucking take ACTION in the real world!!
3) Oh, by the way, Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans, Sirians, Wookies, or some combination thereof, will come and save my ass, because God FORBID I actually take Responsibility for my lot in life and FACE the Jungian Shadow head on. No, because that might actually take some effort...
4) Oh and there's also this little thing about some nebulous, undefined "Event" that's meant to happen soon, during which the ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET will magickally ascend in FIVE MINUTES, just because some charlatan, New Age guru said so. The fact that this "event" has been prophesied to happen on specific dates in the past and, yet, delayed, time and time again, does NOT deter me from the completely baseless, BLIND belief that it will eventually happen, even if, deep down, my own God damn Intuition tells me it's complete bullshit...
LOL...well you get the point, boys and girls, don't you? As can clearly be seen, the true Spiritual Warrior crowd and the 'Stuck in the New Age Trance' crowd cannot possibly be any more different from each other. And, yet, even though my friends and I do belong in the first category above (the one with the 5 points), many people would understandably be prone to lump us in with the New Age Bullshit crowd. Trying to answer exactly why this is so would open another can of worms now that will need a separate post (or several of them!) to be be adequately handled. Suffice it to say, however, that the New Age/Alternative scene has been co-opted and eroded from the inside out, like a rotten apple that, yet, looks perfectly fine and extra shiny on the outside. Now, whether this is done by humans (Black Magicians, et al), Dark Entities that give misleading information thru channelling sessions or some combination of the both, it matters not. The point is that a knee-jerk association is made in most peoples' minds, which equates talk of the Lower Astral, Starseeds and UFOs with the BAD aspects of the Alternative/Truther/New Age scene.
And this is very unfortunate, because it is very, very wrong. While, admittedly, the great majority of people that recognize the, virtually blatant, reality of Aliens/UFOs and who identify themselves as Starseeds (And, again, like many things mentioned throughout this post, this term 'Starseed' need not be 'new age bullshity'. ALL it means really, is that the person has, by some metaphysical method or other, recovered one or several Past Life Memories of being on another planet. That is ALL it is. Period. So jumping from that to suddenly assuming this 'strange Starseed person', all of a sudden, thinks the Ashtar fucking Command will come and save them, is dumber than actually believing the official 9/11 story. It really is, because you're just making a final conclusion about something without looking into it deeply enough. Pretty much exactly in the manner that the Sleepers 'conclude' that what the nicely dressed man on the nightly news tell them about 9/11 is 'true'. If anyone takes offence to this: good! Truth is actually meant to have that effect on a person) are of the New Age Bullshit variety, many are in fact not!
As I keep saying in this post: I am a perfect example of a "grounded, non-New Age Bullshit 'believer' (a funny word indeed. One that NONE would dare use when talking about gravity or the color of the sky, for instance) in things like the Lower Astral and flying saucers", as are most, if not all, of my FB friends. So the moral of this post, I guess, is that we all (both the Right Brain and Left Brain Brigades alike) must strive to see past our differences and try, as best we can, to understand that we're all in this together.
If there is one thing Team 1 and Team 2 can agree on, it's that we can all RECOGNIZE there is a problem on earth. Depending on which team you're rooting for, you may isolate the origin of this problem as being Psychopathy itself or the demonic Entities of the Lower Astral Realms, of which the phenomenon of Psychopathy is but the observable 3D manifestation. Either way, the resultant effect upon the planet is the SAME; on this we cannot disagree.
In closing, I will ask my friends (and whoever else) that read this to please share it with those friends of yours whom you think belong in either Camp 2 described at the top, or in the the New Age Bullshit crowd described further down. Offended though they may get, there is still a good chance they might see things in a new light and maybe even reconsider their current, half baked views.
While I know I tend to get harsh at times, I am quite reasonable and cooperative a lot of the time. However way we look at it, people need to FINALLY be woken up to the rampant deception and disinfo/misinfo we see in the scene, and I am just a guy with a crappy laptop and a lot of time on his hands that's trying to do all he can to help remedy this mess...
I hope this helped you in some way (even if it slightly offended you in some sections)