I intuitively got this idea of what the main purpose of Chemtrails could possibly be. This is a right brained thing, so don't ask for the hows/whys, but it's just an understanding I 'spontaneously' got. Maybe I've come across parts of this idea before on the Net and I don't remember it now, but is still there in my subconscious and came out now in this manner, who knows. Anyway, here goes...
Essentially, I sense Chemtrails have more to do with programming our thoughts than anything else. Let me explain: the Cabal is privy to tech that is 100 years ahead of mainstream (at least), so it's not a stretch to think that there are nanobots in the Chemtrails, which are designed to seep into our body thru skin contact, thru breathing the Chemtrails in; any and every way you come into contact with Chemtrails, the nanobots will get into your body. And eventually the brain. Now, this is an intuitive 'download' mind you, so there's no scientific talk offered here as to what happens specifically to the neurotransmitters, etc., when these nanos get in. But the scientific oriented folk among you that have considered, and looked into similar theories, would know how this works.
Bottom line though, is that we're making a not too improbable conjecture here that there could very well be an advanced electronic mind control science they have developed, thru which they can influence the thoughts of the masses as they see fit. In essence, they could "download" the requisite Software programs (i.e.: Thoughts) into the Hardware (i.e.: Brain), without having to go to too much trouble. God knows how this hypothetical technology would actually work (after all it is so far ahead of what we can currently conceive that neither I, or anyone else, could explain/understand it), but all we need to know is that it could be entirely possible that "they" are in possession of something like this.
I am specifically trying to say, of course, that the programming originates in the higher densities than the one we currently experience with our 5 senses (i.e.: the 3D world). The Archontic, Draco/Grey Astral Parasites that are just under our noses in the immediate dimension above the third, could very well have figured out a way to "program their crops" much easier than they could decades/centuries ago. Nowadays, they just "spray" us with their Mind Kontrol Spray (Chemtrails) and, after spraying season is over –which, from their perspective of Time, could be 20, 30 years in Earth Time, for all we know– then Picking Season soon comes, i.e.: The Great Harvest that high level, bloodline insider, Hidden Hand, spoke of in great detail here ;)
What this "harvest" entails exactly, who knows? But one thing's for sure: we are definitely 'property' of someone or something. The planet is like a farm, a zoo. Those who have looked at the Grand Conspiracy for long enough, and have "eyes to see", have already concluded as much. And the crops to be harvested (i.e.: us!) are literally being sprayed with stuff that will bring a better 'yield' to the owners. And, since these owners deal in control and domination, then a more 'subservient' crop is a more fruitful crop indeed. Hence the Mind Control aspect behind the Chemtrails.
I really do think this crazy, far out nanobots thesis could be possible, because, if you look at some of the public technology we have today, the classified military stuff would clearly be out of this world, compared to the physics we're currently taught openly. I think of it also as a, let us say, "soft" microchipping –instead of microchipping us outright, which would be met with massive resistance (especially now that so many are awakening), they do it gradually, over a few decades, with the bots in the Chemtrails. Possibly (more like, definitely) the awakened Spirit would be able to override this insidious technology, leaving only the secular minded, atheistic left brained masses to be controlled successfully, as if they were programmable, organic matter based, androids. I mean, who knows...these nanobots could even be part organic. And they would, thus, be able to mesh seamlessly into a person's brain neurons, etc.
So, when a person that has enough of these bots in his/her system is being "fed" certain thoughts, behaviors, beliefs (from wherever it is that the Cabal theoretically broadcasts these Artificial Thought Forms), they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between an original, independent thought of theirs and the implanted one, since, if we take this postulated idea to its conclusion, the nanobots have become organic, living parts of their brain now. The possibilities are endless. And, if this is even half true, it's very alarming. But, then again, it would overwhelmingly work on non-awakened minds, which is, of course, the good news. This last point would also partly explain why the Cabal is clearly trying their absolute best to make Left Brained Atheists of us all, thru their controlled education, media, etc.
Well, there we have it, ladies and gentlemen, that was the theory. I hope it was thought-provoking and helped somehow. I, for one, feel that a scenario like this does not sound too far fetched at all. But is only just a "what if"; make of it what you will. The idea simply occurred to me yesterday, out of nowhere, so I wrote about it. Food for thought...