Friday, 23 October 2015


NOTE: this is the first ever blog post that is not an original article of mine, but just a re-post from another site (Henry Makow's). But I thought it was such an important article/topic that it needed to be re-posted again. 

This article may be a little old, but it requires re-posting (by many, many people, not just me!) so that people can realize the true extent of the cover-up. Is it just me, or does the article basically tell us the entire thing was covered up by using gaslighting?? (i.e.: a favorite tactic of Psychopaths via which they turn things around 180 degrees by counter-accusing their accusers, making themselves look innocent in the process. In this particular case, after first exposing the culprits, the Italian reporters were gaslighted by the counter-accusation of perpetrating the [so-called] antiquated anti-semitic blood libel charge, even though, incredibly, there was undeniable, video camera PROOF that the act had indeed been carried out!) I'm not saying ordinary Jews are "evil" or anything like that --in fact I have Jewish friends who are great people and wouldn't have the slightest idea that things like these go on in the world. But, in cases like this one, it's reprehensible that criminals can literally get away with murder by simply crying "Blood Libel!" Now, whether or not the historical blood libel cases were largely exaggerated or not has no bearing in this instance: in this one we have undeniable proof...and, yet, they still get away with gaslighting the people that exposed them, who, amazingly, ended up getting a worse punishment than the perpetrators (the reporters got fired, whereas the US-based criminal only got 18 months jail time when he should've gotten the chair instead!).  

"Rome, Italy -- Italian and Russian police, working together, broke up a ring of Jewish gangsters who had been involved in the manufacture of child rape and snuff pornography.

Three Russian Jews and eight Italian Jews were arrested after police discovered they had been kidnapping non-Jewish children between the ages of two and five years from Russian orphanages, raping the children, and then murdering them on film. Mostly non-Jewish customers, including 1,700 nationwide, 600 in Italy, and an unknown number in the United States, paid as much as $20,000 per film to watch little children being raped and murdered.

Jewish officials in a major Italian news agency tried to cover the story up, but were circumvented by Italian news reporters, who broadcast scenes from the films live at prime time on Italian television to more than 11 million Italian viewers. Jewish officials then fired the executives responsible, claiming they were spreading "blood libel."

Throughout history, various groups have accused sects of Jews of ritually murdering small children. One such account, that of Hugh of Lincoln, led to the expulsion of all Jews from Britain in the 13th Century. Such accounts have generally been discounted, but are so widespread that Jewish organizations have developed a name for them -- "blood libel."

Though AP and Reuters both ran stories on the episode, US media conglomerates refused to carry the story on television news, again saying the story would prejudice Americans against Jews.

Jewish gangsters in Russia have become increasingly linked to traffic in "white slaves" and prostitutes through Israel, according to a recent report in the Jerusalem Post. Israel turns an official blind eye to forced prostitution, and does not punish Israeli citizens who choose to own "sex slaves" as long as the slaves are foreign and non-Jews."

Thursday, 1 October 2015


"Satan is not an actual discarnate, sentient being, but is more than just a symbol. Satan is, at the very least, today's most powerful magic(k)al egregore." 
- Diane Vera, from 'Intro to Satanism' 

THIS! ^ This is what I mean (and what we all should mean!) whenever I use the word 'Satan' in posts/comments. I was naive enough to assume that 99% of the people reading my stuff would already know this was how I meant it. Sometimes, though, it's very hard to truly explain what you are trying to say to people on Fecesbook, YouTube, etc. 

It's understandable, I guess, since the vast majority of my FB friends (and the biggest % per capita of Truthers, in general) are from the USA. And, as we sadly know, that country is the most religious of all the major English-speaking nations. See, here in Down Under, as backward as it is in other aspects of life (i.e.: this Goddamn obsession with sport and beer!!), it is so non-religious as to almost resemble a completely secular/atheist society. Truly. And this, of course, means that I have rarely, if ever, come across any Bible Belt-type people in Melbourne. And praise the Lord for that!!

It's totally natural, then, if most people from the US cringe when they see someone as much as utter the terms 'Satan', 'Lucifer', etc. I have been trying to bring this point across for as long as I have been active on FB (it's exactly 2 years now, though I've had the account itself for about 7) and it was met with varying degrees of success. This little gem of a quote, however, encapsulates everything I want to say about the issue and makes it so much easier. It is so blatantly, obviously true today that there is indeed some kind of 'Dark Force' running amok all over the planet...and that it works through those we call the 'Dark Cabal', the '13 Bloodlines', et al. 

When people, however, associate the word of said magickal egregore with Christian, religious connotations, then this misses the mark completely! There is, quite simply, a Dark Force in operation, and this can be seen by all, except for the atheist Truth Activists out there. And it just so happens that, out of all the dozens and dozens of things it has been called, the term 'Satan' is the most popular one. This is only because, we in the English-speaking West, happen to be in Christian-dominated cultures, that is all. We cannot possibly get hung up on words, however; we have no time to be arguing about what we should call this Dark Force, and whether or not calling it Satan most of the time would potentially push some peoples' buttons (the pagans are a fun example: they would willingly spend hours arguing with a friend as to why Satan is an 'invention', while not realizing they are playing right into the Dark Illuminist's Divide & Conquer ploy, which I touch on below). 

The fact is that there is some kind of Dark Energy at play here and, aside from the different names various cultures ascribe to it, it is the SAME Force. Me, personally, I much prefer to see this Dark Force as some kind of Collective Ego Consciousness. I posit that it is:

a) sentient and that it 
b) works through our Lower Ego/Subconscious (or you can even call it Reptilian Brain). 

This ^ is why I mostly prefer to label it the Reptilian Consciousness, which, silly, naive me, I thought could be interchangeable with 'Satan' without anyone batting an eyelid. Boy, was I wrong! 

Whether it has always been there since 'The Split' (i.e.: the moment Prime Creator decided to divide Himself into innumerable copies and deliberately give them Amnesia, which is where Lucifer's [he symbolizes Individuality, after all] role in 'The Game' came into play, of course), or has merely developed a life unto its own after so many millennia of the Human Ego running rampant in the world, I cannot say for sure. What I do know is that it is REAL and that I care not what people call it. And, think about it, if we fall into the clever trap of fighting among each other about whether or not we should call it "Say-tan" or not, we're playing right into the Cabal's Divide & Conquer Games, are we not?

What I'm saying, basically, is that we're fooling ourselves if we really think this Dark Egregore is "false" just because it appears to be a word that Christianity "invented" in order to scare people about going to Hell, etc. Be that as it may, this does not mean this Dark Egregore doesn't exist quite independently of any, and all, man made Religions. The only problem with the Organized Religions, as far as I can see, is that they exploit this fear and, to be honest, aside perhaps from Buddhism, do not really offer any pragmatic solutions to successfully combat this malign, Dark Force. The reason Buddhism is the best of the lot of them, of course, is that Meditation is the No. 1 medicine/defence against the Ego. And, as we know (and, if we don't, we should), this thing we call the Ego also has a Spiritual, sentient counterpart, which is the very Dark Force I've been discussing in this post. After all, this is the very Dark Force that is seen to work through the spiritually disturbed people we usually call 'possessed' (or the idiot psychiatrists call 'crazy'). So this Force is: 

a) real 
b) sentient and, more importantly,
c) malevolent and destructive. It is 'anti-life', if you will

And to say that it does not exist AT all, simply because the latest Organized Religion on the block (Christianity) has tried to make this Dark Egregore its own and has also greatly abused that privilege, is, well, a cop out. This Dark Force is endemic within humanity itself! It would exist whether or not Man Made Religions did...and this is the main point this article is attempting to bring across. 

As always, I hope this helped in some way, whether it was a completely new concept or simply shed some different light on stuff you already knew. At the end of the day we are all in the same boat, fighting against the very sentient Collective Ego (or Collective Unconscious I guess) of humanity, irrespective of whether the White Christians mainly call it Satan, the Muslims call it Iblis, the Zoroastrians Ahriman, the Hindus symbolize it with Ravana or Kali, the Truther/New Agers call it the Reptilian/Archontic Consciousness, etc, etc.