Tuesday 27 January 2015


People in this scene seem to be a little bit confused about the true nature of Hierarchy in the Universe. Maybe it's all this talk about Anarchy or the horribly mistaken, communist-flavored movements such as the Hippies, Zeitgeisters, etc., but people are all confused and have now suddenly decided that there IS no Hierarchy. AT ALL! Well, okay whatever. Just hear me out and see what you think afterwards...

The Universe has an INBUILT Hierarchy; it's there. It won't go away just because some commie New Agers that are disgruntled with the SUPPRESSIVE hierarchy currently ruling over the earth clicked their magickal red slippers together. I am sorry to announce to you that REALITY is still REALITY regardless of your wishful thinking to the contrary. It's certainly news to ME that there is no hierarchy, or sense of order whatsoever in the Universe. The problem is that we have been living under a suppressive, VAMPIRIC hierarchy for 12,000 years now, so some of us have decided that ALL Hierarchy is "bad" all of a sudden. Sorry...nope.

Look at the Hierarchy that extends from this lowly 3D Realm all the way to the Highest Realms, up to Prime Creator itself. That Hierarchy exists VERY much so, and it will not magickally go away just because you wiggled your nose and make a T.V show sound effect. It’s not that easy to turn the VERY LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE on their head, I'm afraid. If I seem a little pissed in this post, you're right. And the reason I'm annoyed is because I feel like punching the people that write tripe like this: "Oh, you know, the Angelic Hierarchy is an Archontic trap because the prefix 'Arch' in front of the word 'Archangel' means the Archangels are Archons. So, now I think that ALL hierarchy is Archontic. I'm SO smart and 'awake' aren't I?" No, it just means you are an idiot that doesn't know that the prefix "Arch" is simply ancient Greek for "greater than" or "most important", etc., and does NOT mean that Archangel Michael is an Archon.

We need to get over the idea that JUST because the CURRENT Hierarchy we live under is suppressive/vampiric, we can't bloody well make the jump all of sudden and start saying that “the ENTIRE UNIVERSAL HIERARCHY IS NOW NON-EXISTENT BECAUSE I SAID SO”. When I speak of Universal Hierarchy, I am talking about Vibrational Frequencies. There is a hierarchy of ever increasing frequencies that, if we really think about it for a moment, really has no end. There is no real "end" when we are talking about Prime Creator: it's just like looking into a never-ending fractal that goes on into infinity! You can drive yourself mad just even thinking of this idea!

So, when we speak of "being Spiritual" or "ascending" or "being awake", or whatever other neat little catch phrases we have in our scene, we could just as easily substitute these terms with the phrase "raising my current Vibrational Frequency". And, speaking of which, I am not really comfortable with certain satirical YouTube videos that are made to deliberately mock "Spiritual people" and trying to intimate that they’re hypocrites or arrogant or whatever. The bottom line is that there IS a difference between someone who engages in spiritual practices and someone who doesn't: the former has a higher Vibrational Frequency than the latter and I cannot see why this effort to increase one’s Frequency should be mocked (even if it is done without malice and is just in jest). Because, truthfully, there is NO more important thing right now on the planet than this!

Raising our Frequencies is the name of the game, boys and girls! Do it by using whatever Vibrational Frequency Raising Technique you prefer to use, but do it you MUST! (That's IF you want your stay on this planet to be a smooth one from now on, of course...) You see, this bullshit, communistic idea that has poisoned much of the New Age/Truther/Activist scene is a cancer that needs to be excised, the sooner the better! I'm talking about the idea that "we are ALL one....we are ALL the same...there IS no Hierarchy...not even in the Spiritual Realms" Right...okay...next thing you're going to tell me is that "David Icke is a "shil" because he is put there to talk of 'the Reptilians' in order that he can discredit the 'real researchers'". (What is a 'real researcher' exactly?? Someone that tries to push the MALISCIOUS LIE that Archons & Draconians DON'T in fact exist and, thus, perpetuates our Spiritual Slavery?????!!? Is THAT what a ‘real researcher’ is???!).

Anyway…let's not worry about Draconians for now 'cause we need to clear this Hierarchy stuff up. As we said before, Hierarchy EXISTS. It's just right there in front of you, if you would but look. You can see it everywhere. People complain that it's condoning "Darwinism" to make this claim. Well, then, God must be a Darwinist too, because, last I checked, there is a Frequency Hierarchy in the Cosmos. See, in a sense, the Social Darwinism accusation IS true, but only as far as the Dark CABAL is concerned, because that's the model that THEY run their planet by. But this is not to say that Cosmic Hierarchy does NOT EXIST AT ALL!!! Where the HELL did people get that idea? Next thing you know, they're gonna start telling us that "you must break down all Universal Hierarchy and become your OWN God". Hmmm...that sounds a lot like Luciferian thinking to me...DARK Luciferian thinking to be precise!

Not that the commie Hippies in our scene ARE suggesting this...but that's where this kind of thinking would inevitably lead to IF we let it! And I, for one, will not let it get to that! These types of people think that we need to abolish all external leadership, i.e: to have True Anarchy. I'm fine with that; count me in as a genuine Anarchist too. BUT...here's where a lot of these folks get a bit mixed up, and herein is the 1% Arsenic that poisons the otherwise great message of Anarchy: some of these people make the sudden jump to saying inexcusable BS like "well I won't bow down to no Archangel or any being of that sort...because that's 'hierarchy' you see, and hierarchy is a 'man made thing'..." And then the really ignorant ones might even throw in that inane argument about the COMPLETELY fictitious meaning of "Arch" that has been spreading around the Known Internetz like an out of control tumor!

You see, my fellow Seekers, just because the hierarchical model on THIS planet is currently all screwed up, that don't mean we can suddenly decide to abolish Cosmic Hierarchy. I'm sorry, but you don't tell God what to do...it's the other way around, in case you hadn’t noticed till now. I'm writing this as a very important WARNING to my brothers and sisters in the scene, because I can see this whole meme for the deceptive Luciferian trap it really is, so I'm putting the word out!

Like it or not, even while 'external' hierarchy is truly a man-made con job, as the Anarchists very correctly state, there is ANOTHER Hierarchy that will not be erased or changed: the internal one of Vibrational Frequencies, as I said earlier. People seem to be very fond of saying "I have no leader, I want no leaders". Okay, fine. I say the same thing too. If you knew me in real life, you'd chuckle right about now. Because you'd know how notoriously difficult I am to handle when someone tries to control me or order me around. And I think it is commendable to have this trait and, to a lesser or greater degree, it appears to be the ONE common trait we all share in the Truther/Alternative news scene.

But, even while we say this, we, at the same time, seem to gravitate towards certain "leaders" in the scene. Be it Icke, Maxwell, Tsarion, Passio, etc, etc...and my question to you is 'Why?' Why, when someone is avowedly SO anti-authority and anti-hierarchy, does s/he appoint The Icke as some sort of 'de facto Intergalactic Leader of the Truthers'? That this is happening is undeniable (we can exclude unfortunate people who haven't developed their Intuition above the minimum 1% level that is required to KNOW Icke is legit and not a shill or WHATEVER the hell they think). But WHY is it happening? And, more importantly, why do these things happen WITHOUT the "Guru” (for lack of a better term) himself even CONSCIOUSLY WANTING IT TO HAPPEN??

Well, it's because of this Internal Vibrational Hierarchy I speak of up there. And not to say that I am some kind of 'guru' but, in a very small, mini-me way, in my tiny little Facebook Groups Universe here, I have ALSO experienced the phenomenon that the David Ickes of the world have encountered. And I swear on my LIFE, may God strike me down NOW before I even finish this article and click "Post", that all of it happened completely "by accident". All I ever did was "be ME". And by BEING me, I seemed to have attracted people to me that liked who I was and what I had to say, etc. So this is how it happens. But the underlying REASON for this 'mysterious pull' or magnetic attraction that some people seem to have in our scene is because they, for whatever reason (Icke apparently did it by ordering the super size Kundalini Awakening meal on that mound in Peru), have increased their Vibrational Frequency somehow. In my case, I did it by both insane amounts of Meditation (which is why I recommend it on FB like a man possessed and also aggressively argue with the naysayers without showing any remorse whatsoever) and also by doing almost a full year of sexual abstinence. And, yes, that means that, for about 10 months in a row, I ONLY used “it” to take a pee. Yes, I did that in 2004 when I was 28/29 yo, you better believe it!

But, however you manage to do it, the important thing is that there IS a difference between a person with a heightened Vibrational Frequency and one with a not-so-heightened one. For one thing, when your Frequency is high, you seem to just magickally 'attract' things to you. The synchronicities get out control and unbelievable stuff begins to happen to you. People, places, jobs, creativity, sudden realizations....and on and on. Your life starts to resemble a Jedi's life more and more, as you increase them "good vibrations" as the Beach Boys say.

And, also, you seem to become a sort of "go to guy" for all sorts of anti-NWO conspiracy and Spirituality questions. People just come to you, asking for advice and so forth. It’s because, on a Higher Self to Higher Self level, they “know” you have “the Mojo”. And, depending on how "good" the person's "good vibrations" are, well, they could even end up becoming David Icke. Proof of the man's superior Vibrational Frequencies was shown to me when I saw him live, here in Melbourne, back in late Oct 2011. Believe it or not, I mainly went so I could confirm for myself, once and for bloody all, whether he was legit or not! Because, at the time, there was some idiocy going around on the Net and there were various claims to the effect of him being a Reptilian or some sort of shill, etc. For many years now, I've had the ability to "read" a person's vibes if I am in the same room with them, so a person may bullshit me from afar, but not if we are in the same room or in a Skype session. So I knew that if I went, I would know for sure. So what happened…??

I have been to a million healers in my time, but what I witnessed when I saw Icke was completely off the charts:

1) I saw this MASSIVE Angelic Being hovering above him, protecting him! It was SO obvious; SO overwhelming. (well, to ME it was anyway, because I can 'see' these things...)

2) As if this wasn't awesome enough, for the entire 6 hours (I got there a bit late) I was there, I perceived his voice as what could only be called an "energetic beam"...and it was continually hitting me, breaking through dark layers of my Aura and giving me a sort of "accelerated healing" for lack of a better term. I got home that night feeling like I’d just come out of a clothes dryer that was running on nuclear powered Reiki Energy!!!!!!

It was literally like I had gotten 50 REIKI SESSIONS ALL AT ONCE!!!!

I noticed that, in the following month or so, my life took on a completely different trajectory, having broken a few limiting patterns, etc, much in the same way that you would do after getting a solid Reiki Healing Session from a good pro healer.

Now, please don't take this as me trying to say that David Icke is some kind of demi-God, but I am JUST telling you what IS. I am reporting only on WHAT HAPPENED...and nothing more, nothing less. It’s more of a real-life illustration of this Inner Vibrational Hierarchy I keep talking about, than anything else. Because it all fits and it makes perfect sense, i.e.: the guy in our scene that has the biggest "Vibrational Magnetism" of all of us, happens to ALSO have the highest Vibrational Frequency, if what I experienced that day is anything to go by, of course. Because, let me tell you right now: Reiki Energy is strong!! Real strong. Those of you who've had a session, or even practice it yourselves, know this well. And for me to say that by merely being about 50 meters (150 feet) away from him and listening to him talk, I got the same effects of a Reiki Session x 100, well that's QUITE a statement! And, mind you, I have a reputation to maintain and I am making a conscious effort to be taken more seriously in the scene from now on in order to best be able to spread the info that I have been tasked to spread. So I would definitely NOT just be saying ‘crazy’ stuff on FB if it hadn’t ACTUALLY happened.

So the point of this post, then, was to show that, even in OUR anti-hierarchy, anti-Arch(on)angel Michael-filled scene...well, even in a scene like THAT we seem to naturally gravitate towards certain unofficial, de facto leaders. And the reason is because they are the top of the Vibrational Frequency Food Chain, so to speak; and this “Food Chain” has no end in a linear understanding, like I said above. It just keeps going higher and higher like a never ending fractal. Just when you think you've "reached God", you then realize it's just another fractal...another layer of the onion to peel off. But, then, that's the fun of this game isn't it? It can never get boring because it NEVER really ends...

So NEVER think that working on raising your frequency doesn't matter, or that the Angelic/Cosmic Hierarchy is an artificial man made, or Archontic construct! If anything, it is this false idea that is the Archontic construct, because the Archontic Collective is like a real version of the Borg of Star Trek fame! So it doesn't WANT us to rise HIGHER than their Collective Hive Mind under which we are currently ensnared...and that is why any and ALL communistic type ideologies stem from the Archontic Collective. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT OF THEM! Including the one in our scene that says "we are the SAME...so you must have 'tolerance' for people with Vibrational Frequencies SO low that they basically qualify as being half animals and not feel that you are ‘different’ to them". Tolerance is totally fine and it is a first cousin of Empathy, and we should all strive to cultivate Empathy, of course. But empathy does certainly NOT equate to purposely reducing our level to the lowest common Vibrational Frequency denominator! See, that is the Archontic Collective’s MANIPULATION creeping in and making us THINK that “Tolerance towards the weak = you must BECOME weak yourself”!! Sorry, but having tolerance does not equal that at all.

Tolerance towards people that are not yet at your level means you will not be cruel to them and will show then some patience (to an extent, of course, and NOT if this means their negativity ends up derailing your spiritual Life Mission & destroying you!!!) and love, etc. But, then jumping from that to suddenly saying that it doesn’t even MATTER if someone has a higher Vibrational Frequency, well that is both 1) a lie and 2) the most destructive false belief that a person can adopt from our scene. Why is this? Well, it is because the person becomes CONVINCED that they don’t even have to make an EFFORT to increase their Vibrational Frequency! To me that just means one thing, ladies and gentlemen:

Archons: 1 – Mankind: 0

I'm terribly sorry, but I say FUCK YOU to that idea!!

Think on this, my noble Truth Warriors...

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