A caveat before I begin: even though I am very anti-Psychiatry (any normal human being would/should be!), I don't try to hide the fact that I have been to counselling once or twice –a handful more times than that actually. This is totally fine, providing they don't immediately jump on the diagnosis bandwagon and start with their BS 'you need to take medication' line. So, yes, I think talking things thru sometimes can be very good. I guess, at the very least, we can think of a counsellor as being a 'friend for hire'. lol. It's like paying someone to listen to our bullshit for an hour, because no one else cares.
But my anecdote proves just how damn clueless they can be in, oh, probably 75%+ of cases...
So, about 5-6 years ago, then, I was 'depressed' and this had been brought on by the ONE issue that has been 99% of my problem since my early 20ies: lack of money. And the reason being that I consciously went down the 'struggling artist path' since my early/mid 20ies and the price you have to pay for that is you must go thru the $ hardships in the 'early days'. (This 'artist poverty' will be over for me soon, by the way, since my book has recently come out)
And, get this, I actually decided to explain to her how I felt, at the time, by quoting none other than the line from Eminem's Lose Yourself that says "I need to formulate a plot..." LOL! I shouldnt've done that, as a Hagrid would say.
I guess I was trying to use Eminem's line to show that I felt just like he did, i.e.: feeling trapped living with his mother in the trailer park, having a shit job, and whatever else he says in the song. But, of course, silly, naive me, I didn't realize I was talking to a PSYCHOLOGIST, did I? LMAO, you should've seen her go 'from simple psychologist to pill prescribing psychiatrist mode' within 0.5 seconds flat!
She totally freaked out on me (well not 'totally' but she completely misconstrued what I was trying to explain) and started giving me the "people that say they want to formulate a plot to get out of their current problems are delusional", blah, blah. It would've been hilarious to sit there watching me trying to talk my way out of this. Lucky for me, I didn't really have anything serious going on (well, apart from wanting to 'formulate a plot' that is. lol!), so she didn't have good reason to diagnose me as something-or-other-bullshit from their (un)holy bible, the DSM ('despicable sick mofos' is what it really means).
This tale is 110% true (how can you make something like this up, even if you tried??) and goes to show you that, even while in certain cases –such as when you're purely 'talking' your issues through with a counsellor– it can be beneficial, all in all, it is the most primitive & psuedoscientific 'science' we have ever come up with. And, bt I personally know people (relatives, etc) that have studied this 'science' in University and so forth, so I have nothing against individual psychologists (okay maybe just with Psychiatrists), but the discipline itself is a complete and utter joke.
I mean, this being a 100% accurate account, goes to show you what could potentially happen to a guy, who happens to have a mental 'illness' history, if he slips up and says something similar to a shrink: they would diagnose them with some outlandish mental 'illness' before the session was even finished! And, as most reading this would know, they have the power to FORCE you, by law, to take your meds if you happen to be normal and decide to refuse. Believe it or not, should they decide to, they can send the Police to your HOME to make you take the meds. THX 1138 much?
This is why people like me mostly have an issue with Psychiatry. If there was total Free Will involved in it, then I would've had no problem with the profession itself, only with the dangerous fools that take it seriously and that keep them in business. But, aside from, let's say, 10% of cases (Schizophrenia or persecution mania, for example), medication is NOT needed. It just isn't!! And, even in these cases, they never tried seeing what would happen to the so-called 'schizophrenic' if he/she was put on a serious, and long-term, "Yoga/Mediation/Reiki/returning back to nature/healthy eating/NO 'recreational' drug-taking/exercising/associating only with non-psychopathic people/re-connecting with estranged family/having as much fun in life as possible" regimen. No psychiatrist ever, that I know of, has prescribed the above to a person in place of medication. Well, at least not ALL of the above in one sitting lol. They may mention some of that stuff, as an aside, like when they tell you to 'be positive' (on a planet like this? really?), but their Goddamn, zombifying, soul-killing medication always seems to be at the top of the list of reconsiderations!
I think the way out of this mess is to create as much awareness of it as possible, eventually convincing people there are far better alternatives out there. Alternatives that ACTUALLY work, because they recognize that the Brain is just the hardware, whereas the Mind is the software, and what we call mental 'illness' is merely a SYMPTOM of issues that ultimately stem from somewhere deeper within (or higher above, depending on how you wish to put it). So, by mistakenly believing the symptom to be the CAUSE of the problem, the Psychiatric-Big Pharma Octopus gets nowhere, fast!
Truth is, when mental 'illness' manifests it is the mental/spiritual equivalent of when a cancer has gone detected for too long and you only get wind of it when it is too late. And, then, like a primitive idiot that you are, you over-prescribe yourself with painkillers, so you don't feel the effects of the cancer anymore. See what I did there? Psychiatric medication works in the exact same way, i.e: it numbs the psychic senses and emotions, in order that the person shuts out the mental discomfort. It really, truly is the mental equivalent of giving someone with a shattered leg heaps of painkillers believing that this will somehow heal the leg.
You see, the pain is the symptom of the shattered leg! That's all it is. Similarly, in psychiatry's case, they think they will "heal" you by shutting out the mental anguish by zombifying you with the pills! Good luck there with that one. Really. Because you're gonna need it.
And thus they go round and round in circles, never really helping anybody (at least not helping them in a deep and profound way, anyway. they only offer a quick, surface fix)
If done right, this will get to the point where the Big Pharma/Psychiatry System will eventually be left with 2 options:
a) Shrink (no pun) and disappear into nothingness (please God!) or
b) Change to accommodate the 21st century
Either option is fine with me. As long as they do not still have the same power they have now in 20-30 years time, I'd consider it a great victory.
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