This is something many of us are already aware of, but Icke here puts it in a way that only he can, so it has hit home for me even more after reading the passage quoted below. The concept I refer to is the idea first introduced in Carlos Castaneda's works, which speaks of the 'predator giving humanity its mind'. Since those books were done about 40 years ago, the concept was rather nebulous and seemed very surreal and mystical at the time. However, if you combine it with the works of Sitchin's, Icke's, Tsarion's, etc., a very interesting, and not-so-mystical, picture emerges.
I'll leave it to David Icke to explain it better than anyone currently alive on Earth can:
"They had to be bright enough to do the jobs required of them, but not bright enough to see what was going on, and the Reptilians needed a collective control-system that could constantly feed their human robots a sense of reality that would keep them in line. There may have been reptilian genetics in the human body before the genetic manipulation, but I doubt it was a fraction of what we have now. It is my view, after so many years researching this and following the guided trail, that the reptilian brain as it is today was introduced by the Reptilian geneticists. It acts like an enormous microchip and locks us into their control system. As I have already explained, the reptilian brain largely dictates human perception and behaviour. Its primitive, emotional, fear-based sense of reality provided the perfect vehicle for collective control and the conflict and insecurity so essential to divide and rule. The Reptilians also have their own hive mind communication system, which I will describe in detail later, and the the reptilian brain connects us to that system. They have tuned us in to their 'station'. This is so important to understand if we are to free ourselves from this enslavement and see through the false sense of reality that is fed to us every day. Consciousness --what we really are-- is far more powerful than any reptilian genetics or communication system if we choose to connect with that awareness of self. Before anyone fights, or flights, or freezes with fear, there is a way out of this and we are heading closer to that every day; but crucial to casting off the chains of control and suppression is to know how the 'game' is being played and what the rules are."
-- from Human Race Get of Your Knees, page 213
And, much like the synchronicities Icke often speaks of (whereby he has intuitive ideas about things and so forth, only to get unexpected confirmation of these concepts from external sources, days/weeks/months later), I've had a very similar thing happen to me in the past few days having to do with the subject of this post. What Icke is talking about here, has been something that I've been intuitively feeling recently. Very strongly! And, lo and behold, I "happen" to read this page from his book today. Perhaps my so-called intuitive feeling is more of a 'calculated knowing' (to paraphrase 'calculated risk') than pure intuition, simply because I've read about this concept so much and for so long now. And the more you learn, the more the pieces fall into place, and the more sense it begins to make. And then you start the process all over again, albeit in a deeper level of the rabbit hole this time. And so it goes...and one day you somehow end up automatically "knowing" this stuff is real, and can almost intuitively understand how it works.
So the stuff I've been thinking about the past few days can be summarized in one word: Quarantine. It just dawned on me yesterday, or the day before, that when we talk about the planet being under quarantine and that the Earth is a Prison Planet, we are really talking about the Spirit being trapped in these 3D bodies, rather than the actual negativity of the planet and the pyramidal, top-down control system imposed on us. It is much more to do with the actual bodies we have (with their oversized reptilian brains) than anything else really. Because, you see, if we didn't have these custom-designed bodies, then this reptilian, hierarchical control pyramid that is based on the negative polarity of the Masculine Energies would not be able to sustain itself, pure and simple.
Sure, there are a number of people that always manage to break away from this in any given era (and, in these days that % is growing), but the majority, say a 90%, remain within the confines of their Reptilian Mind and, as Icke reminds us up there, this also means they're "hard wired" into the Reptilian Hive Mind itself! Sorry, but as scary as this sounds, it is true nonetheless. And, unfortunately, these types of people never really "live". Not in the true sense anyway. It reminds me of the slogan "They Live, We Sleep", seen spray painted on the wall in a scene from the movie They Live. Even though it is something the Dark Illuminists themselves say about the masses, and it is obviously an elitist thing to say, I am sorry to say that people that have not awoken their Higher Self really are dead, in many ways. Not to say that they're all out zombies, but, in more than one way, a person of this type is just a slave to the whims of their emotions and lower impulses, even if, IQ-wise they may be the biggest genius that ever lived.
So this, then, creates the Reptilian Matrix; it creates the Earth Quarantine. We perpetuate it ourselves. And, while the way out of this is to ultimately transform our current DNA over many generations, for the short term, what we need to do is:
1) Create awareness of this issue to as wide an audience as possible, not caring one IOTA about the temporary repercussions (if you're worried about losing a friend or two, you should instead start worrying about what kind of planet you will return to after you die in this lifetime)
2) Take very serious steps towards undoing the Reptilian Self within (or the Shadow, or Ego, or Predator; call it whatever you like), because, by healing ourselves, one by one, we will transcend the Reptilian Matrix. And I don't mean transcend in the Pleiadian, Ashtar Command, New Age Bullshit sense of suddenly turning into Light Bodies, by wiggling our noses like Samantha from Bewitched and flying into the stratosphere like Superman. No.
This kind of thing takes work! Both individually and collectively. Sure, there are many other, secondary things that we must do as well, like get rid of the Mass Media and Hollywood, to name but a few. But, until we get a handle on the 2 steps above, nothing will happen. I know they may seem obvious, but are they? Are they really? For 1.5 years now, 99% of my Facebook friends have been people that understand and are interested in these kinds of subjects. And, let me tell you, you will NOT believe how many of them I've spoken to that tell me they're quite reluctant to blatantly talk about all these kinds of things in public Facebook posts.
I mean, I don't really want to have to say this, but it really does get to a point where a guy like me sometimes thinks "Well, why should I do all the work, when millions of people out there haven't got the guts to get out there and speak what they know to be true?" And, you know what, it's very reasonable for a person to think like that, after seeing so many people out there that won't speak up because they're afraid of losing their precious friends or whatever else.
And, if you really think about it, you're not really losing anything that worthwhile: if we're talking about people that don't really "get you", then you will gain better friends thru the perceived loss. And that's if it even happens at all. Nowadays, people are pretty open minded to these ideas. Sure, they may not agree with you about the stuff that Castaneda says, but they won't necessarily call you crazy or stop talking to you. 90%+ of your fears are just hypothetical anyway, and they may never happen.
So, please, if you are reading this and you know, in your heart, that you haven't given 100% in getting the word out about the truth of the Reptilian Matrix, make a pledge to yourself
and to mankind that, this month, you will at least do a little more than you did last month. This way you will be stepping out of your comfort zone a little bit more. And, then, next month a little bit more...and so on. If we all did this, and I mean ALL of the people that read blogs like these and are already familiar with the researchers mentioned herein, the change within 2-3 years will be astronomical. But that's only IF.
I mean, it's totally up to you, of course. But, by the same token, the onus is on you, too. Remember what I said earlier: you WILL come back here again. There is no easy way out, sorry to be the one to tell you that. None of this BS about transcending in this lifetime is true. Face it: you (we) have been lied to about that stuff! We really, truly have. I'm not going to look for who/what/why/how did it to us, but we HAVE been lied to about the idea of getting out of this Matrix in this lifetime. I know it's tough to hear, but you will still come back nonetheless. And, when you do come back, whatever world you find yourself in, will be a world that you (either through wrong action or inaction) have contributed to creating.
I'm laying down the law here in this post, both for myself and for whoever reads it and, thru honest self-examination, admits that they haven't been giving 110% towards creating the world that they would have LIKED to be born into. Well, we never really "die", so you literally have "all the time in the world" don't feel disappointed. Now that you know all this "transcending this world in this lifetime" crap was a lie, you can at least do something about it to make the next incarnation better!
See, here's the thing of it: even though you see me writing inspiring posts like these, truth is that I often get SO depressed and disappointed about a) being on this planet at all and b) about having to come back again (and again...and again...). I really do find it excruciatingly difficult to accept and I cant even begin to calculate how many hours I have wasted
complaining about it with close FB friends, etc. Lesson learned now, however. So now it's time to get even more proactive.
Ladies and gentlemen, the truth of the matter is we came here to CHANGE this planet, and not to meditate 7 days a week for a couple of lifetimes and then turn into a ball of light and fly away. Lol! And by the way, a disclaimer here: I am the biggest proponent of Meditation you're liable to meet. But this is just one aspect of the job at hand. Once you meditate enough and balance your self enough, then it's time to apply that awesomeness to the world around you and CHANGE it for the better. This is the ingredient that many people in the alternative scene seem to be leaving out. Never mind the ones that haven't even taken the vital Step 1 of doing the meditation/yoga in the first place. Maybe they can give it another shot in the next life...sigh.
Really though, we must up our game. Because, whether this next part sounds like fear-mongering or not, it is nevertheless the reality of the current situation:
We really do and this comes from a very wide variety of sources I've looked at, which have confirmed and said the exact same thing: the time between 2012 - 2017 is the KEY. What we do now will reverberate throughout the next THOUSAND. And that's not hyperbole. Further to that, it will affect other Dimensions and worlds, aside from the Earth. So we live in the most incredible, challenging times, even if, at the same time, they may be the most difficult ones.
Okay, so you're here now, you may hate it, you may think to yourself "I never signed up
for this shit, beam me up!"...but you're HERE nonetheless. And you have to deal with it. And the best way to deal with it is not by following the dictates of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" , no. Instead you must live by this motto: "if you don't like it, CHANGE it!"
As always, I sincerely hope this helped in some way and, even if it is not something brand new, at least made you see this issue from a brand new perspective. And, most importantly, I hope it compelled you to take REAL world action! At least more than you have already been taking anyway.
hi its 2020 ! respond to this;and i reveal info