I've concluded that Gnostic Jesus' original message held such power, a power inimical to the Archontic Yahweh of the Old Testament that, coupled with the fact that His message could not be stopped, four centuries later, Emperor Constantine (with whom, sadly, I share the identical first name!) had no choice but to start a watered down version of the Original Teachings. The teachings of the Buddha seem to have taken a similar path: it spread like wild-fire in Asia and today is definitely the least (if at all) corrupted of the main world religions, due to the fact it doesn't really have a set 'belief system' per se.
Way I see it, if the original stuff taught by Jesus was preserved today, it would be seen as the Buddhist equivalent of the west, which is what the various branches of the Christian Church should be teaching, instead of that confused mess we see today that expects the Mind Kontrolled to take every little thing (even the passages that were clearly not meant to be taken this way) 100% literally. I have capitalized 'his' up there, yes. And the reason is because I see it as a sign of respect for someone who was more of a Master of all Yogis/real-life Neo character than anything else. Some have criticized me for talking like this and have said "Oh, this is just your latent, Christian Mind Programming Patterns talking, Con".
Is it though? I'm not too sure about that. I've said, time and again, in FB posts, blog posts, etc., that, back from about 23-24 years old, I had the identical anti-Christian mindset that a typical pagan, atheist, or whatever else, has, and I just went with that right into my early 30ies. I followed the Luciferian Initiation right to the end. And, before some of you freak out now, the Luciferian Initiation simply means this: the path a person takes upon awakening from the Matrix, whereby they a) focus solely on amassing Intellectual Knowledge and b) firmly hold to the belief that "they are God" and that God is within, etc.
I did all this; I did it for about a decade before I peeled off yet another layer of the proverbial onion and got into the "next level": this is when I truly started to learn thru direct Gnosis of the Divine, i.e.: having direct spiritual experiences with these Angelic Beings that, until then, were just words in books/articles to me, and may or may not have existed as far as my Intellectual Self was concerned. But exist they do! And the point I am getting at is this: after a decade of primarily intellectual searching, I ended up cracking my Right Brain (seat of Intuition, etc.) wide open and, in many ways, came 'full circle' and (very reluctantly, at first) realized that much of the stuff we are told in the New Age/Occult writings about the origin of the New Testament, etc., is actually not true.
This was from DIRECT GNOSIS, mind you, and not from just reading books. I already did the 'reading books' thing before that, thank you very much, and, frankly, in a lot of ways, it leads you nowhere. The reason is that the only way to truly learn is thru experiential knowing, i.e.: from direct knowledge of the subject you are studying. I never thought I'd go public with the following anecdote at this early stage, but here you go: In 2009, I even had what can only be called a 'miracle healing' in a Greek Orthodox Christian Church. It was not with other people, mind you: I had just randomly showed up there on a Wed or Thur one day, because I'd been intuitively guided to do so. The only person that was there was the old guy that took care of the place on weekdays. I'd been having a depression problem at the time, because of some problematic (near psychopathic) roommates and, tried as I did, I wasn't able to get rid of it on my own at home, no matter what Energetic Healing thing I tried, or whatever else.
So I sat in the front row, looked at the icon that depicts the scene of Jesus receiving the Holy Spirit upon baptism and asked for healing (or something; I cant remember exactly what I said now). And, again, I need to reiterate: 2009!! I had walked away from all of this stuff from at least 1998! I hadn't set foot in a Church for God knows how many years (nor have I been back since, to be honest). And, so, within moments, I 'saw' that same white light depicted in the picture in front of me, coming towards me. And, within a few short minutes (I kid you not: it was like 2-3 minutes, not more than that), the horrible weight I had on my Heart Chakra lifted. This experience subsequently forced me to re-examine so many things that, until then, I'd considered to be set in stone. One of which was the type of disinfo that says the Piso family had outright invented the New Testament stories, which was a position even David Icke had once taken, but has since changed his mind on it.
You see, initially, it is very hard for a man (especially for a stubborn motherf***** like me) to recant and to admit he was wrong for 10 or more years, and to then be forced to re-examine absolutely everything! And, by this, I do not mean to say I am proposing some kind of weird Occult/Gnostic Christian belief here. But what I am saying, is that much of what we take to be set-in-stone, needs further examining. A large % of us (I used to be one, too) seem to only go by the few, well-known books in the Alternative scene on the subject of Jesus' historical existence, like the Elaine Pagels type of books and so forth. Oh, I assure you, ladies and gentlemen: I vociferously read EVERY single one of these in my early-to-mid 20ies!
So, being firmly convinced I knew what the real deal was on these matters, I continued on my Awakening Journey, which, of course, included a hell-of-a-lot of Meditation, by the way. So this Meditation, then, eventually resulted in breaking thru to the next layer of the onion, as I explained above. And what it showed me was that there are three, and not two, levels of understanding the Holy books.
1) The exoteric, just for the masses, who take everything literally
2) The half-esoteric level, which is mostly the Astrotheological angle of things, but which is not the full explanation either
3) The true esoteric meanings (much of which have been lost, of course, and, were it not for the Nag Hammadi library, we'd have zero of it now), which is the REAL message of Christ
If one has not moved on beyond the Luciferian Initiation (which, as I said, is merely the Intellectual Awakening Phase, so is only part of the Awakening Process and not the end of the rainbow, so to speak), they will only understand up to No. 2 above. They stop at the Astrotheological understanding of the New Testament and look no further beyond that. Jordan Maxwell is perhaps the most well-known in the scene for being a champion of this view and has influenced many after him to also follow this line of thinking. Additionally, many have also accused him of knowingly being a Luciferian, a Freemasonic shill, etc. I can't comment on this, as I don't know what he does behind closed doors, but what I can say is that it may be far simpler than that: he may just not have managed to get out of the Luciferian Initiation Phase himself, that's all.
You see, it is a rare thing to be a true Gnostic, i.e.: to have direct, experiential knowledge of the Divine. So, more often than not, I'd say we're really only dealing with so-called researchers that have not quite figured it all out yet, than with genuine, deliberate disinformation spreaders. I do not, of course, doubt FOR A SECOND that the aforementioned 'disinformation spreaders' actually exist, but the paranoia and witch hunts that we often see in the Alternative Scene often becomes near-farcical. There is even a guy that mentions a list of all the controlled opposition figures in the movement and he has listed every single person there is. Everyone! But, anyway, this is not the main point of this post, so I'll get back to the main subject now.
The important thing I wanted to stress with this post, I guess, is that it may very well be that there is some kind of 'Luciferian Plot' behind all these publications that flooded the market in the past few decades, which try to convince westerners that, at best, Jesus' life was greatly exaggerated, at worst, He didn't even exist. And saying this is not contradictory to my previous position that not every second researcher is a shill. I never said the researchers/authors themselves are knowingly shills, but that there is an insidious, hidden, fabulously well-organized group of Black Magicians that have a vast amount of power and influence in the west, and who seem to allow certain publications, certain ideas, certain memes to percolate into society. It seems to be "accidental" to the casual observer/Sleeper, but, I assure you, accidental it is not!
These people that lord over the Black Lodges (and, yes, I'll come right out and say it: I am largely referring to certain segments of high level Freemasonry that have "fallen", though I must make clear that it is not just a Masonic plot overall) are known for planning what trends will be created for society, decades in advance! Decades. 20-30 years ahead of time, believe it or not. How do I know this? Well, like I sad above: I've been studying these things since about 22 yo and I am now almost 40. So, really, if we disregard the fact that this is not a paid job (well not yet, anyway), you could consider me as being a 'full time anti-NWO researcher' for almost 20 years now. This is how guys like me know a lot of things that 99% of the masses/Sleepers do not. And the Dark Elitists fear this kind individual, of course. They fear a knowledgeable person more than any other thing, in fact. And especially a person that is able to gain direct Knowledge of the Divine, i.e.: a true Gnostic!
Hence their entire system is designed to stop people from achieving this state. They flood the market with books, books, books....Intellect, Intellect, Intellect. But never do you see Meditation being aggressively promoted in the mainstream do you? We need to ask ourselves why, don't we?
The fact is that Christ Consciousness is the goal...and not worshiping a graven image of Jesus the man. And we don't need Organized Religions in order to connect with the Divine Spark within. However, this is not to say that Jesus the man was not, more or less, what they claim He was. You see, ladies and gentlemen, the genius of Organized Religion–
Christianity in particular– was that it manages to kill, not one, but two birds with one stone:
Christianity in particular– was that it manages to kill, not one, but two birds with one stone:
1) It prevents a genuine seekers of spirituality from truly finding God
2) It turns another, smaller segment of society off from God completely, making them Atheists! The reason is that they erroneously think the Religion = God and equate Prime Creator itself with the inherently flawed, man-made religions
I would say the second one is worse, but they are both virtually as bad as each other, as they only have ONE end result, really: they prevent one from achieving Divine Gnosis. And, make no mistake about it: this IS done very deliberately by the Black Magick Masters. It really, truly is done knowingly, deliberately and with a cold, calculated precision that would make your skin crawl, were you an insider and saw how they plan all this stuff behind closed doors. But, fortunately or unfortunately, if we don't become high level masons (I'd say anything in the high 20ies and above, but maybe it's only in the final 2 or 3 degrees, I can't say for sure) ourselves, we can never truly know to what degree the conspiracy is purposely planned out, decades in advance.
Some may accuse me of sticking to the outdated "masons control the word" stereotype now. Fine, have it your way, but I only ask you to do one little thing for me before you 100% make up your mind about me being an 'outdated' Conspiracy (Truth more like it) Researcher: please do a bit of surface research on how many people are "coincidentally":
a) Both high level masons (often 33 degree, but a lot of the time 31 and 32 as well) and
b) Also seem to be in an assortment of high-level positions. Positions, mind you, that are key in influencing what direction a society will take, i.e.: Media, Politics, Banking, Pop Music Industry, Hollywood, etc.
Need I go on? This is very easy to figure out, by the way. A two minute Google search will sort you out, I guarantee you.
And the most interesting thing about all this, is that, when you look at the names of the higher Masonic degrees (and, again, a Google will readily show you this), it's absolutely chock full of (Dark) Templar/Jesuit type of titles. And an interesting thing to mention here is the Knight of Malta degrees: you do a search on a list of powerful people that are Knights of Malta and incredible things will show up. Bush Sr. and Rupert Murdoch among many others. So...what does all this mean, then?
It means that, at the very top of the Dark (supposedly) Masonic Cabal, it is actually the Dark Knight Templar/Jesuits that control everything! But people keep screaming "it's the Masons, it's the Masons!" Most of them don't bother to dig deeper, however, and finally see that this whole structure was a Templar-Jesuit creation from day one. And where do the Dark Templars - Jesuits eventually lead to? Why, they lead directly to the Vatican, of course...
Oh, how ironic that the same nefarious, Archon/Reptilian-controlled, Dark Occultist group that is responsible for the proliferation of literature that is designed to turn people into either:
a) slaves of Organized Religion or
b) outright Atheists
is the very SAME group that also controls the Vatican. How ironic, indeed...
a) slaves of Organized Religion or
b) outright Atheists
is the very SAME group that also controls the Vatican. How ironic, indeed...
I'll leave you with the picture below, which in an immense synchronicity that speaks volumes! Not only a massive article, and accompanying video, could be done to discuss this one synchronicity: an entire book could be written about how the Emperor character (hooded man on the left) from the 1983 film, Return of the Jedi, seems to, amazingly enough, look almost identical to the man that became Pope over TWENTY YEARS later! I am sure George Lucas did not plan this consciously...but I cannot say the same about the Force ;)
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