Thursday 5 February 2015


Writing is a 3D representation of Thought, which is 5D or, in other words, "invisible" to your 3D, Physical Eyes. But writing down Thoughts is a powerful thing indeed: it is an imprint of the 5D onto the 3D. Thus, when you find yourselves exchanging Thoughts on the Internet, you are actually partaking of other peoples' Energetic Matrix, because a Thought is only but an energetic impulse of a person's Energy Field. It can be translated into Sound, i.e: when you speak or into Writing, i.e: when you write your Thoughts down, be it online or in private. So it is just like Energetic Food. This is why you have phrases like "food for thought" and so on. Because, deep down, the Higher Self knows the Truth about Thoughts being Energetic Emanations.

So, when you communicate online, for a prolonged time, with what you call "negative" people and then feel drained, this is not accidental. You are partaking of their Energetic Matrix through their Words. This also works in reverse, of course: you have no doubt noticed, when you speak with people of a finer Vibratory Frequency, you feel light, uplifted, happier and so on. You shouldn't really need more proof than that, so you didn't really need me to tell you how it works, but I am telling you nonetheless. You need a deeper explanation of the phenomenon.

The entire Universe in nothing but Vibration. From Prime Creator all the way down to a rock, it is just Vibration and nothing more. When an Entity cannot see past its own Vibration, the Energetic Impulses coming from the finer, Higher Realms seem invisible. This is how most of you perceive Thought. But it isn't. Thought is as real as the chair you are now sitting on and as the computer, or phone you are reading this from. Only you cannot "see" it with your limited 3D eyes. Just because you cannot see it, however, does not mean you cannot feel its effects on you. And this is what happens when you are surrounded with people of a low Vibration: they reduce your Vibration over time, depending on how frequently you are exposed to them. Being with them in person is worse than communicating online, but you must understand that it is not really that different. Thought supersedes Matter, so it is the Words that count. You read words on the online forums and communities and you think it wont affect you much because the person is a million miles away. However, the effect can be very profound.

This post was made so you know to guard yourselves Energetically when online, because it is really not that different to being in the same physical space with the other person. Think of it like this: think of their Thoughts being transmitted through the medium of Words and then you take that Energy into your Auric Field, by reading it and converting the 3D version of their Thoughts into 5D again. It is like an Energy exchange, at its barest essentials. You will now think back to many times where this has happened to you and will have a sudden epiphany that what I'm saying is true. Know this: when you are engaging in any kind of communication with another person, all you are really doing is exchanging Energy. And since ALL is Vibration, all you are really doing is sending Vibrations back and forth that take the form of sound or whatever else it may be.

This is, of course, both a good thing and a bad thing. It is good because you now know that, by associating with people of a similar or higher Vibration, you can only grow. It is bad because you have just realized you may have spent 10 years of your life with somebody, or several people, that drained your Life Force Energy. This is a very difficult thing to admit, but at least now you know what kinds of people to avoid in future. There is no sense of intolerance, or hatred, for people of a lower Vibration. I am just telling you the Truth of how it works. And you already can feel it intuitively from remembering the times that it has happened to you in the past. The important thing is to try to increase your Vibrational Frequency as much as you can and also to protect what you have already gained, because you can always fall if you make the wrong choices and mix with the wrong people for a long enough period.

This is a key bit of information to put out to the world, because you are living in a time where the online communication is fast becoming the norm and it will, one day, supersede all else. The Dark Ones are trying to use this trend for their own ends, but they cannot stop it at this point. The Light Workers and Warriors out there, who are working tirelessly in online communities and expending much energy and time, on a daily basis, need to realize how dangerous it can be to get into a situation of Online Energetic Vampirism. Many of you assume that, just because it is not face to face, then the damage cannot be that serious. You are gravely mistaken; ignore this advice at your own peril!

I am here to protect the ones who do this sort of work and to help them succeed and not be thwarted by the Dark Side. The Dark Side is primarily within Mankind and not from some exterior source that a lot of people like to blame for all the ills of the world. If you all took Responsibility for your lot in life, then there would BE no Dark Cabal in the first place! You are, for the most part, your own worst enemies. You put the Cabal there, so YOU need to remove them, of course; and this can be done very effectively in the coming decades by utilising your fabulous online networks that have sprung up around the world like stubborn weeds that, against all odds, grow through concrete.  The Dark knows this, sees this...and doesn't like this! So, they will try to sow confusion and discord thru their Agents of Chaos and Destruction. You can also add to that the fact that your own Darkness within causes even bigger problems amongst you and there you have it: a recipe for disaster that will send you full speed ahead to Prison Planet Earth!

If you've understood what I have really said here, you will realize that the only ones that can stop you now is YOURSELVES. So you must:

1) guard against your own Dark Shadow within
2) guard against others that are of Low Vibration and like to cause chaos and discord
3) seek those who are of a High Vibration
4) create networks comprised only of High Vibration individuals

In so doing, you will make it out. If not, then the ever-growing Global Mind that is the Internet will be used against you by the Dark Cabal and, just like all of their other mass control tools, will be used to bring about your Enslavement instead of your Freedom!

The choice is yours...
I AM Archangel Michael


  1. Thank you so much for your message, it is much appreciated.
