Friday 6 February 2015


Sure, we live on a Dark Planet right now, a “prison for your mind” to quote the great Morpheus; but you must channel all your frustrations and disappointments into action! Only in this way can you truly get out of Apathy (for those of you who genuinely feel you're in apathy that is). Find a worthy goal, even if it’s not quite “saving the whole universe” at first, and work it! Work on it every single, damn waking second and don’t listen to any discouraging chatter from so called “friends” that say “it can’t be done”. He, who does not wish for you to succeed without bounds and, indeed, to surpass even your own great expectations, is no real friend, I'm afraid.

In fact, while not necessarily psychopathic, someone like this is not really a good person in general, if you really think about it. These types operate on the MO of “another’s failure is my gain”; they think in a dog-eat-dog way. Even if, for the most part, we can safely say they’re victims of the Psychopathic, Darwinian Control Grid foisted upon us for 12,000 years + now, they are still to be avoided LIKE THE PLAGUE for the time being. Until we can uplift many more people that is. And, then, it will be safe enough for us to mingle with the Sleepers without really being adversely effected to the point where a single, negative put-down can potentially cause havoc to your Energy Body (or call it Aura if you will), taking weeks, or even longer, to recover your high Vibrational Frequency again! 

You need to understand that many Light Workers/Warriors have been utterly DESTROYED by not heeding this warning, and their Life Missions derailed! Some even end up on a life of hard drugs, or may even take their own lives because their finer Vibrations can absolutely not handle the negativity of their Non-Awakened friends/family. I'm not suggesting to break away from everyone you know and go live in a cave all of a sudden...but, for the love of God, do NOT put up with people that are Certified, 5 Star A-holes either...

Then, when you've achieved something in your life, when you have steady growth, you work on the “maintenance”: you keep what you have gained, be it Spiritual, monetary, a great loving relationship, an uplifting social network, a great artistic achievement…or a combination thereof. And a key component in this part is to surround yourself with equally active, ambitious, strong and, most important of all, AWAKE people, because the others will just tear you down and destroy in a day what has taken you 5 – 10 years, or more, to painstakingly build! You know, very well, I speak sooth. It's not about being "intolerant of people that know less" It's much more: this is about SELF
PRESERVATION. Period! Full stop. If you wanna call me "intolerant" for trying to look after my well being, then be my guest, knock yourself out. Before you do that though, please read the top part of the previous paragraph again: people have DIED because of either genuinely not being aware of the lethal effect the Negatives can have on one, or just deliberately ignoring this fact. 

Then, one day, when you’ve finally become as great as you can possibly be, when you have ironed out the great majority of the wrinkles in your Jungian Shadow, well, then, my friend...then you need to start helping OTHERS do the same. And, in this way, we will all work in concert to, bit by bit, lift Mankind up from out of the current quagmire it finds itself in! And, one day, blogs like this one will be the norm, not "the fringe"...

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